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Showing content with the highest reputation on 11/13/15 in Posts

  1. 1 point
    In order to try and prove we look after our stock do you think something like a weekly checklist would be worthwhile doing ? Something like check fluids, tyre pressures, lights etc and then a 5 minute test drive ? We have around 10 cars in stock at anyone time so it's not a massive issue if it takes an hour of our time and we do have to move the cars between lock up and office for viewings. I'm also going to look at some form of pdi sheet too. We could then use the weekly sheet to prove we regularly checked the cars in the event of any issues later down the line.
  2. 1 point
    hi steve a few questions what does your insurer say about unacompanied test drives how can they be done without trade plates ie not taxed how can you be sure your vehicle is not being abused if unacompanied your paperwork needs to be imaculate if you do do this and the nips appear why do it anyway surely going with a customer is poart of the patter to nail a sale are you aware the car plates need covering up on a test drive whilst trade plates are fitted to the front and rear of the vehicle cheers
  3. 1 point
    Copy of licence most times, sometimes just visually check -BUT everyone customer fills in their details on test drive form, I also put reg no , make , model , sates, times so if anything ever came back I have record with their signature - also includes their PX Car or car they came in ! I've had 2 sets of plates for years - well worth it for me , times when you 2 sets wanting test drives makes life easy and saves others having about waiting ! Test drive - no plates get if it gets caught classed as no tax , possible back duty? insurance issues maybe ? I cant upload the form but pleasure to email it if it helps ?