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Showing content with the highest reputation on 10/03/15 in all areas

  1. 1 point
  2. 1 point
    simple maths, 16986 vehicles currently available, on average 5 staples per car 84930 per week, think I'm in the wrong trade bet there's more profit in selling staples to BCA than selling cars bought from them.
  3. 1 point
    The press and other bodies will try and talk down the fact that values will suffer as no one wants to see such a good brand falter away, but deliberately deceiving your dealer network and your loyal customers for greed rather than profit will damage them until they've rectified their mistake and made sure no one is out of pocket regardless as to when or where the vehicle was bought from. I've read reports that they new about it years ago and made a decision to use the software to save $355 dollars per vehicle. IMHO the short term panic and uncertainty will cause the values to fall until such a time as you can pick up a golf for the price of an astra and every car involved has been rectified then demand will increase and prices will start to rise again but will take a long time to get back to over book prices being paid for these models. The product is still a very good one and VW will learn from their mistakes, bounce back from it and hopefully lead the way for transparency in the industry. let this be a lesson to other big corporations in the motor trade (not mentioning anyone in particular but a few spring to mind) put your customers first before greed for your shareholders and the profit will come naturally for a long time to come. Your overheads are massive and how long can you ride the waves with a dwindling income before you join the likes of Ratners the jewelers.