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Showing content with the highest reputation on 10/01/15 in Posts

  1. 3 points
    HI Guys Last week our local trading standards office put on a seminar regarding new SOGA 2015. They stated to us the right to reject within 30 days falls upon the customer to prove that the fault was there at time of sale. To do this they must at their own expense obtain a written Motor Engineers report stating that the fault was there at point of sale. WRITTEN!!! After 30 days it is dealers responsability to prove the fault was not there at point of sale. And that we should pre empt this scenario by conducting a New Mot and a full PDI inspection prior to sale. They didnt say a service was needed but a service and stamped service booklet will certainly help to. If we do this then you can prove that fault was not there at point of sale. I am using 2 independants for MOT and 2 Independants for PDI. Work together to achieve this with someone in your area or do in house. I am using independants as then I have no conflict of interest. Also any faults pointed out to customer and the customer knowingly accepts these faults they have no recourse. Should we do these things then we would not be looked upon as a rogue trader. Many of you no doubt already do these or most of it. Which then brings into the frame ROI. BUY RIGHT, DO RIGHT, SELL RIGHT, Then we all will be getting a good ROI. Happy days. Just one other point to make to pain in the butt customer under the new SOGA the party that lost any court case is lible for all court costs legal expenses of both parties. This new act could actually benefit us its not all doom and gloom. Jim
  2. 2 points
    Without any dealer training or any experience, I threw myself in the deepend. Naive , young and vulnerable; I quickly learnt that however nice and honest you are, the customer is always trying to rip you off. Their part ex is f****d and the header tank is probably full of k-seal, they want your car for less than it owes you, they come back for absolutely everything and think a 3 month warranty means a free pass to all goods and services that your garage provides. When someone wants "trade" discount, they will still come back for ALL the warranty claims. The "I'm in the trade" bollox.......... you used to sweep the local motorbike dealers floor once a week............... YOU ARE NOT IN THE TRADE I hate people
  3. 2 points
    Day 1. Lesson 1. Never buy hot food. Lesson 2. Don't sleep with the receptionist unless you want to date her afterwards. You'll spend at least a month without sales calls.
  4. 1 point
    Ok, im going to ask for opinions on the below paragraph i intend to enter on our warranty form, any one see any problems with it??? We confirm the vehicle supplied to you will be of satisfactory quality and is fit for it’s intended purpose. By signing below you confirm you have inspected the vehicle and you are happy it matches any description, as advertised. Should the vehicle be returned under the short term right to reject of the Sale & Supply of Goods Act – 1 October 2015, you agree to a full refund less the deduction of a £495 restocking fee to cover the cost of vehicle depreciation through additional keeper, together with 50 pence per mile travelled. Furthermore, should the vehicle require remedial action under this agreement, you confirm your acceptance that one OR MORE repairs may be required per claim. PLEASE CONFIRM BY SIGNATURE BELOW YOU UNDERSTAND THIS WILL, FOR THE PURPOSES OF THE WARRANTY PERIOD SUPERCEDE YOUR RIGHTS UNDER THE Sale & Supply of Goods Act – 1 October 2015 in answer to your question See Cars Derby YES!!!!!!! someone bought a car from us in December last year, they had a problem rectified by us (or so we thought) in february got some parts replaced on said vehicle by another gge in August and guess what.....today... yes.... today... have got in touch to complain quoting Trading Standards to us!!!! gawd bless them....they will get an a4 page comprehensive response which could be shrunk to a two word reply!! or is that a bit harsh...
  5. 1 point
    they used to but now they're owned by autotrader things may of changed, can you not sign up to cartotrade as that's free for dealers at the moment
  6. 1 point
    Send me the details Jack. If it's a nice car with full history I will have a look at it for you. info@johnhartleycars.com
  7. 1 point
    Jack, Come on .. thought you were a sales man ! Stick all the details here so we can all see them .. what you need , and possibly a link to your website/details/pictures and if anyone on here gets a customer we can try and sell it for you ! !
  8. 1 point
    I have on my invoice if the customers modify the car in anyway and the problem /warranty is related to that then its not covered ! the have to be fully responsible for their actions. I've even included i.e. towbar/ hand free systems ( I know most have bluetooth now ) as I had an issue a few years back when the customer had a towbar fitted and caused issues with electrics , nothing to do with the car but poorly fitted by an amateur. we have to cover selves from these !
  9. 1 point
    "No money back no Guarantee" Just write this on your receipts and all will be fine
  10. 1 point
    I wonder what happens if the customer comes back on day 29 after ragging the car about and expects a refund because of some bullshit excuse..?