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Showing content with the highest reputation on 09/23/15 in all areas

  1. 2 points
    Car trading is a tough business to be in these days, and will certainly get tougher over the next few years - the new sale of goods act is just one example of more obstacles in our way. If i was starting out from scratch i would certainly look for something else to be honest as the margins are just are not there any more. Most small traders with less than 20 cars are probably making no more than 30k a year after expenses and i would say many are making not much more than half of that if they are being truthful. When you consider the time and money you have to invest to this business the returns look pretty poor. That being said if it is your passion and you enjoy dealing with cars then good luck to you, just go in with your eyes wide open.
  2. 1 point
    It's been a year without them for us now, yes we certainly don't miss those ruthless invoices and we are doing as good as we were if not slightly better!
  3. 1 point
    Yeh , good luck your going to need it, car job ain't what it used to be .
  4. 1 point
    Come on guys .... All you guys who've been in the the trade for so long forgot the main one .. "Sheep skin coat " Good luck with the venture Jimnibob - welcome to another world , 'motortrade' ! great to see so many throwing ideas in , create a database if you don't have a system in place - spread sheet type for mailshots/ customer contacts etc Lawgistics as already been said with their standard stationery will be legal It will be amazing what else you think of as you go along .. we're all here to help - just shout !