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Showing content with the highest reputation on 08/13/15 in Posts

  1. 5 points
    This is terrible news Wheelerdealer1 - we'll miss you. I've long thought about a campaign against these roadside sellers. I thought Car Dealer could run one that backs independents like you and franchised dealers alike. The dealers following the rules and paying VAT. Would you guys back it? Something like Buy From A Trusted Trade. We could make stickers - like warning stickers - that proper dealers can stick on these roadside cars. 'Buyer Beware: This Seller Pays No VAT, Offers No Warranty Or Comeback. Buy From Your Local Trusted Dealer Instead.' Something along those lines. We could talk to the government on your behalf. It's just a thought. What do you all think?
  2. 2 points
    They are pretty good these days ..last couple I've done recently back within a week ! hope they do your as quickly !
  3. 2 points
    Dunno, but the plane is going through next week as a Grade 3
  4. 1 point
    I watched that show and the ex window fitter that was trying so hard to sell the cars was making me cringe...he was so frustrated at them walking he was almost in tears. I never let the customer push me around the cars are prepped well and priced well so they WILL sell maybe just not today. Do your best to get the deal done but normally you can just tell when there not coming back so let them go and waste someone elses time....
  5. 1 point
    After the drive home I've just had I wish I had one of these in my fleet. Don't the Sunday drivers know it's MONDAY today.
  6. 1 point