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C30 1.6D 2009

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Just took one of these in earlier on 95k with every single receipt and fvsh from new, but no ref to a timing belt ever being done, a quick google shows intervals of 150k! sounds a bit excessive but dont want to chuck money into replacement if its not needed, anyone experienced belt issues with these before?

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I usually give the main dealer a bell mate, get it from the horses mouth 

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You're right of course, just thought I'd ask here as was sat going through the file of paper work.. going to keep it as a smoker for a bit anyway its got 3/4 tank of juice and they do mega mpg and off to south west corner of Ireland in a few days. 

Edited by Paddy

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10 hours ago, Paddy said:

Just took one of these in earlier on 95k with every single receipt and fvsh from new, but no ref to a timing belt ever being done, a quick google shows intervals of 150k! sounds a bit excessive but dont want to chuck money into replacement if its not needed, anyone experienced belt issues with these before?

Yep, tis true.

I sell loads of cars with these engines and the only time I've changed the timing belt is when they get a bit dry and are a touch noisy on tickover. Fantastic engines that go forever if well maintained.

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3 minutes ago, tradex said:


These engines around these parts have a bad reputation.

But, I have always maintained that they only got that rep' once out of the dealer network. Inde' garages started filling them with the wrong oil, as in a cheap 10/40 Silver Hook shite. That engine with a full and proper Volvo history should be a great buy for her next owner, I love those C30's, wife had one for a while.

Back when those PSA 1.6 diesels were new they used an oil that was £55 'trade' to us, direct from our Pug dealer. Now Joe Public would have shat a dime at the thought of their oil being dearer than a night out for two at the local Indian. I still remember the local taxi boys shuddering from the cost of their main agent services....then went inde' and hence the kiss of death cheap oil.

We have had well maintained examples come in chop with 150k plus, 1.4's too. We recently sold a Clio to a taxi boy with a 1.6 hdi C5 with close to 300k on it, still going fine, but always main agent serviced.

Retailwise, still give them a swerve as we can't trust customers to service them correctly. Any px's are put straight to auction/traded off as with any diesel we see :D

ive go a hundi eye 10 and this needs 0 /30 low ash i seem to remember and thats what it got,i can just imagine out of all the garages it might go to most would put 10/40 in it semi if it was lucky,so i totally agree with you,customers are as bad as garages ,always going for the ,can you do it cheaper idea ?or worse bringing their own oil in from halfords and it says £34.99 on the tin and its the wrong spec:D so you put the proper stuff in and tell them the stuff they bought will be aright for their lawnmower for the next 20 years or they can creosote the fence with it


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