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Newish to the game

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Hi have dabbled in buying and selling cars for years just the odd one here and there but due to no more work being available at my current job I'm looking to take it up a notch. I have already got trade insurance but have been looking at getting trade plates. Are these easy to get as iv heard off a few people they don't just give them out. Also need a bit of advice on the process of setting it up as a legitimate business if possible.

Currently I'm advertising on gumtree and eBay. I have a personal account on there at the minute but going to change it over to business in the near future, are there any pros and cons to this?.
Also is there anywhere else to advertise thats reasonably cheap and decent. Don't like using autotrader so thats out the question. 

Sorry for the long first post, Cheers

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if you have just reason to require trade plates,show you will use them lawfully and have never been to court for tax evasion of any kind including no road fund licence then you should get them

always keepa private ebay account as it can come in handy for trinkets you may wish to purchase without prying eyes,remember other traders always follow what you do


its the law

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