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Wants to return car. advice please.

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Customer asked me to show car to them,having seen on website.

Went to there home a fair way away,they liked it and I gave them invoice,taxed car,

came away in their car and some money.

Next afternoon,husband said wife hates it now,won’t sit in it.

They want me to collect car and full refund have asked for money off,for time and trouble.

Where do I stand please,if anyone knows?


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not much, if you don't undo the deal they will probably damage your car and then reject under consumer law. 

think about it they've had it 24 hours what they going to be like in 3 weeks

put a peg on your nose and undo thed eal but don't be out of pocket but don't try and make profit  either 

people like these are part of the job usually you avoid them but just to keep traders on their toes one creeps round your safeguards


16 hours ago, friar said:

Customer asked me to show car to them,having seen on website.

Went to there home a fair way away,they liked it and I gave them invoice,taxed car,

came away in their car and some money.

Next afternoon,husband said wife hates it now,won’t sit in it.

They want me to collect car and full refund have asked for money off,for time and trouble.

Where do I stand please,if anyone knows?




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Hi there,you are right to expect some compensation but I think we need a bit more information.

These days it could be a good idea to have a long winded ‘ returns policy ‘ in legalese language.

You need to try and create some grounds.

I would first confirm to them in writing that you have received their request for a full refund and to Rescind The Contract on the sole grounds that Mrs X does not like the car and that you are taking advice.

Did they prepay and why did you offer to deliver it,were there any special reasons.How old are they .

Are they still using it and how many miles have they done

Was the wife present when you handed it over and does she drive. ( I would be enquiring if she is his wife and lives at the delivery address )

Ask her what car she would prefer.

How far are they away from you and was the handover completed ‘ after hours ‘.

Is there any prospect of retailing or profiting on the swapper.

Might the car need another valet before re offering it and is there any chance you may find one or two new stone chips ( a bit like car hire return guys ).

The real reason for the rejection is probably completely different,it’s so annoying.



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1 hour ago, It's me said:

not much, if you don't undo the deal they will probably damage your car and then reject under consumer law. 

think about it they've had it 24 hours what they going to be like in 3 weeks

put a peg on your nose and undo thed eal but don't be out of pocket but don't try and make profit  either 

people like these are part of the job usually you avoid them but just to keep traders on their toes one creeps round your safeguards



That’s right,qualifying your punters is so important these days because they have so many rights.At my old pitch in particular when selling cars,they insist on the punter coming in.If they don’t like the punter,they don’t sell them a car and if they turn out to only qualify for sub prime chucky they are told to arrange their own .Fortunately they can afford their sales policy !

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Thank you for all your advice!

It is a wheelchair adapted car,hence had to travel to customer.Wife had good test drive in car in wheelchair.

Think will just have to collect car,call it a day!

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2 hours ago, friar said:

Thank you for all your advice!

It is a wheelchair adapted car,hence had to travel to customer.Wife had good test drive in car in wheelchair.

Think will just have to collect car,call it a day!

you did everything you could

at the end of the day you know you can sell your vehicle again

those customers have limited availability

they might come back but its up to you if you decide to deal again on your terms. 

do you buy g3 Castleford have a look if you dont

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I agree,just collect it and re offer it.WAV ‘s are good news ( usually big margins ) but hard to source ,only had 3.There is an established specialist WAV dealer where we are  Automotive UK ,they do their own WAV adaptions and make huge profits.

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Just to tell you all,having spoken to Citizens advice centre,a consumer can return anything if 14 days notice is given,even if

not faulty.

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1 hour ago, friar said:

Just to tell you all,having spoken to Citizens advice centre,a consumer can return anything if 14 days notice is given,even if

not faulty.

That’s why you need a ‘ returns and cancellation policy ‘ with various additional charges !

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