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Posts posted by Wheelerdealer1

  1. As far as I know it's down to the guy and how good he is, it's a franchise so some people are not as highly skilled as others, I had the pleasure of a 911 don't buy such a company and the work was really below par, but it's down to your local area guy, where are you based? 

  2. I couldn't agree more, BCA and the like need to be brought bang to rights on this, or at the very least limited a private buyer to one car, at the moment you see these guys buying 5 or 6 in a go and then lining them up in the car park to be illegally driven home later that night.


    ok so the stickers isnt the best all round solution but it's a start isn't it ? Gets the attention to the problem we need !

    And yes all traders need to start somewhere but if you decide to be a trader I'm sorry but you need to start with premises, vat, insurance, trade plates, and some sort of accountability somewhere, tell me another public facing business taking thousands of pounds from the public that isn't hard to start ? 

  3. James that's and excellent suggestion and what a great way to get this ball rolling!

    metcars I'm afraid the "I'm alright mate" attitude is just putting you head in the sand, and if your waiting for local gov then you know that local councils simply don't have the manpower and resources allocated to tackle this.


    if this isn't tacked or brought to the attention of higher ups now them soon it will effect everyone at the bottom line whether your a big or small Indy, it's only going to get worse , and guess what your overheads aren't going to get lower!

  4. Yes exactly GG they are off to buy the deathtrap parked up down the road fo £1000 less, I actually had 58 plate Corsa up so when the buyer arrived with another 58 plate Corsa to px against mine alarms bells were ringing, he only had it 1 month , so when I asked why he was down here trying to px for the same car he tells me his wife doesn't like the colour and prefers my black car !


    closer inspection revealed that his White Corsa was an in recorded insurance write off painted and repaired by a blind man! Hence he was quite happy to Palm it off to poor old me!

  5. Look at it this way £150 per month that's £ 1800 per year, plus at the end you get NOTHING 


    buy that 1500 Honda Jazz and it's worth at least £500 at the end of 2 or three years if not more, get a small jap auto like a Micra, jazz, corolla etc and you won't be spending much above MOT and a service , it's cheap motoring and out weight the £1800 a year cost of that shiny new thing

    • Like 1

  6. Thanks Edward, I'm not saying this system is perfect but maybe our UK Gov can look into the USA traders licenses system 


    link here





    Even a step like following a process similar to the above could go some way to curbing the rouge traders.


    At the moment the gov seem to be concentrated on tighting up SOGA, but in reality this will only effect us proper traders and do nothing to protect the average joe from the Del Boy home traders.


  7. http://www.lawgistics.co.uk/read-news/865

    New rules mean a customer can reject a car within the first 30 days after purchase



    yep it's for used




    The Consumer Rights Act 2015 comes into force on 1 October 2015. From that date, the Sale of Goods Act 1979 will become largely redundant for all ‘business to consumer’ sales which will then be covered by the new Act. 
    One of the new rules is the ‘short term right to reject’ covered in Section 22 of the Act.
    By virtue of this Section, if a consumer complains of a fault with the vehicle in the first 30 days, they will be entitled to bring it back to you for a refund. They can ask for a repair but they are not obliged to accept a repair and can simply insist on a refund which you will be legally obliged to give. 
    The slight saving grace for dealers is that it is down to the consumer to show there is a fault and that it was present at the time of delivery. 
    We therefore strongly recommend that dealers take the time before 1 October 2015 to review their Pre Delivery processes to ensure they do all they can to put themselves in a position to argue that any fault was not present at the time of delivery. Putting a new independent MOT on a car can never be a bad idea nor can using one of our Visual Safety Checklist/Estimate pads.  
    Keep your eye on our updates for more information and tips in preparation for 1 October 2015.

    Lawgistics members can get advice on the Consumer Rights Act 2015 from the legal team.

  8. I'm sure most of you have read my thread of closing up, for me anyway I found more and more for cars coming in the price I bought in trade was getting higher and higher, none more so then from 2013 to now, and on the sale side my sale price was having to get lower and lower, there was a time when I would never have a car up for more then 2-3 weeks before it was sold, that's across the board prestige to budget, then it was doubling to 4-6 weeks and some longer.


  9. Very true max, the nature of the beast is changing, however I think it's the supermarkets like, car giant, car people, to good to auction etc who will benefit , the reason is they have a proper environment where a buyer will be happy to part with cash online , I don't have a problem with driveway sellers like the ones you mention, but as you can see from the Phil H pic it's these guys who line them up on the streets, happy to sell you a cat D or C, they are not concerned with service history or comebacks , so as a result they under cut as badly, then you have the poor punter who once he realises he has been done over decides to tar all used car dealers with the same brush. That's what will eventually damage the reputation of all small indy operations especially those operations running from home 

    How was your first day out of the job? Did you miss it at all or was it like a weight lifted off your shoulders? 

    These cars are on a busy main road on the Wirral who have a policy of no roadside sellers on a trade policy, all advertised as private sales, 5 cars off 2 mobile numbers and a forecourt only 400 yards down the road.  

    WP_20150806_003- Copy.jpg

    im going to have a hol before I start , think I deserve it !

  10. Coming back to my own situation, I wouldn't even get a driveway round here for £300 pm, the smallest unit is going to be at least £1200 plus rates and the rest, end of the day you add in all the other out goings, and you can quickly see that this business becomes one where margins are small, but effort is large.

    before the started I did work full time, ok not a high paying job but a decent role, so I had a good comparison of where I could be and where I needed to be, add in the usual stuff, kids/wife/house, well then the writing was on the wall. The Hardest part for me anyway was admitting it really. But as a plus point I can go back to enjoying cars as a hobbie, and not seeing them as a pain in the arse !

  11. Thanks GG, as always you put it in to words far better then I do, can the mag editors please give GG his own column ! 

    Back the thread I would say that I disagree, I really think the gov need to step in here and put a stop sharpish to these home traders, it will be harsh at first as we know some home traders are actually ok and trying to do right, but I'm sorry if that what it takes to sort out this mess then so be it, in the long we proper used car traders will be better off, and our industry will be protected 

  12. Thanks for the kind words all, I do hope some sort of debate is opened soon regarding these roadside delboys, I know traders don't like regulations but something really needs to be done done.


    where as a few years ago you had a few known dodgy home dealers, now it's an epidemic, in my patch alone there's 10-15 known operations, I caught a few even trying to take there autotrader pictures outside my unit !


  13. Hi all,

    Well I've been quiet for a few months now so just popping in now to give an update on my own situation.
    Which isn't all that great to be honest, which is why with a very very heavy heart I have made to decision to stop trading now. I sold the last of my stock today.
    Unfortunately I can no longer compete with all the local driveway sellers working from home I have down here in West London and up and down the country, I prep my cars well and sell from a premises with a warranty, and these guys are under cutting me big time selling no prep cars, no warranty, and really no comeback from anyone so they don't really care what scrap heap car they sell. But the buyers buy as its price they care about not a quality product anymore.
    My own thoughts are that the government really needs to step in and sort out all these rouge traders before it kills the used car business for small good indys. Maybe some sort of licenses or another system to stop any jack the lad setting himself up as a trader and flogging motors from his driveway on the pretext of being a trader with the benefits that brings for a buyer.
    Anyway I will still be in the auto industry with my new venture so at least that's some comfort for myself!