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Posts posted by Wheelerdealer1

  1. Be firm but fair, some customers will take advantage and that makes the job harder, especially when your dealing with a low margin car in the first place, build a reputation of course, but you don't want a reputation for being a walk over, as said above customers smell blood

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  2. Just curious, on some cars once taxed online the update showing it as taxed on the system is almost immediate, however I've had the a few most notably a Merc I sold and taxed on Friday morning was still not updated until today, the new owner has been calling me every day since asking why it shows online as untaxed, he is paranoid it will get clamped on his street for no tax

    Apart from that the actual online bit is straight forward enough, if you tax at the post office for the new owner they kindly take the whole v5 off you and send it to dvla free of charge !

    Now what to spend all that 1st class stamp money I'm going to saveðŸ‘

  3. Just a Sunday afternoon thought

    But wouldn't a small for sale section be great on here ? As traders we always have those unwanted dog guards, the extra set of winter rims, those other bits and pieces you try search out like parcel shelfs or wheel trims that never got fitted, personally I got a shed full of bits

    Plus I always see things in ATM comments sections such as the above.

    Would also be happy to swap for something I actually I need for one of my cars !

    Just a thought

  4. I know the market can seem crazy at times, who pays £20,000 for an escort you might think, but there are serious collectors out there, and it's like buying a scale model to them, my 911 went to China of all places!

    Do you watch chasing Classic cars on discovery channel? The dealer on there gives great insights into how these markets develop

    A ferrari on the last program was bought by the the owner for $16,000 years back, they took it to auction and got $25 million for it! That's a hell of an investment!

  5. It's a tough business to be in, the good blokes are few and far between, I know quite a few guys who have tried to stick it out over a few years only to come away with losses and a very bad taste in the mouth

    It's strange as there is no sure recipes to success.

    What's helped me is that I am a car geek, and so are most of my family and friends, we work on our own cars where possible, and the mechanical knowledge we have between us helps to spot the dodgy ones from the straight ones, but even with all that behind me I still get stung from time to time, it's the nature of the game

    Your brave to carry on as the nature of this business is that it's not cut out for some, and it's just second nature to others

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