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Everything posted by andymc1973

  1. What did they all set you back?
  2. or when i check cars and you get black Q5's a grand behind
  3. I refund and move on with good grace, hard but it gets rid of the problem
  4. 16 cars all with decent money in, prices are rough at the block mind
  5. under the bonnet hasn't been touched, its on its way to an auto elec anyway
  6. Everything else is working, locking, radio heater blowers etc etc
  7. I’ve got a mate who’s relatively competent on vag com what are we looking for?
  8. pretty sure the dash will need to go away for repair, such is life
  9. Another month another issue, the car drove fine, dropped it at the valeters and then left it at the mechanics for a once over, they left the car running to dry out the interior, I called up today to get some pics and the car won't start, it feels for all the World that it needs fuel but the entire instrument cluster has no lights on it? The heaters and radio etc all work fine but there is nothing on the dash, I'm unable to see how much fuel is in it as the instruments don't work? After a little bit of research it seesm the immobilizer is in the dash pod and with no power getting to the dash the immobilizer is unable to work? The thing is the car fires and cranks so if it was immobized this wouldn't happen surely First plan of attack is to make sure there is fuel at the fuel filer stage but I think it is all connected thanks Andy
  10. got one fine appealed the other and heard nothing! friends house got burgled took the police 4 days to turn up in all fairness i suspect its busy body neighbors who are grassing as the police said they coldnt care a less, i'll find them and using a certain skill set i have developed over the years....
  11. drive Vaxhall used to always have a few in