Flipping Cars

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Posts posted by Flipping Cars

  1. OK i know this is a little childish but when you have that 1 hour you just cant kill
    Whats the best games you've played or things you've done or pranks you've played on colleagues to while away the hour

    e.g. how many car salesmen can you fit in the boot of a 'INSERT ANY CAR NAME'

    Im sure some of you have played some crackers, especially the old dogs on here. 

    (p.s. i am very professional in what i do, 99% of the time haha)

  2. thanks for all the comments, warm welcomes & kind words ive received :D ill let the mrs know that the cardealermagazine members are a warm bunch, big thumbs up!!!

    Yeah i think the plan so far is to give it a couple of weeks to see if its recovered first (unlikely but hey) then if not do a full claim
    they are aware of it now so like you are all suggesting, its likely to reflect on the policy renewal

    Its frustrating isnt it, we pay our insurances, and yet when a victim of crime we pay not only in £s on the policy, but also on the other things you lose in the car, on future security (cos ill be buying trackers from now on) and in so many others ways but these people tend to generally get away with it, madness!

  3. personally, its pretty much the same as BCA for me. For every 10 I buy at BCA i buy 1 from Manheim but it gives you more options so definitely worth it

    Bid weekenders aren't too bad as you can get some deals if quick. Ive had a few quality issues especially with Manheim Colchester and the surecheck is worse than BCA assured as its covered by Autoprotect who IMO are rubbish


  4. @Stalker yes ive a broker and planning on chatting with them Monday. I did the report today but just as an 'info' report

    @NOACROSS LOL yes we are going out for a nice steak tonight and she's recovering from the ordeal as well as can be expected ;) yeah i think it will have to be a claim as its expensive enough but its due for renewal in 3 weeks too haha so interested to know what it might go up by. I think you're right, time to shop around for quotes

  5. yeah she's quite traumatised by it all but time will heal ;) thanks for the kind words

    Its worth around £15k so a sizeable chunk 

    Im interested in hearing if anyones had a claim of that size go through there trade policy how much it went up if it did go up

  6. Heres an interesting one for you all, this wasnt a nice phone call to get...


    Now she's on my trade insurance (dont worry i have domestic and pleasure too lol) but would you claim for the car
    My insurance is expensive enough as it is, and i guess it going to go sky high if i do claim. 

    The mrs is recovering from the ordeal but of course, she's having some sleepless nights