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Posts posted by Screenman

  1. 10 hours ago, Halfpenny said:

    Most cars come with tyre sealant now. Useless evil stuff.

    Not a lot of difference between the young guys and girls these days. Apparently sperm counts are half what they were 30 years ago - additives in plastics affecting male hormones is possibly the culprit.

    Parents not taking the time to educate their kids is a massive problem.


  2. I know of a lot of guys who could not change a wheel. I live in a rural county and have stopped and helped many people change a wheel over the last 34 years I have been here, I would say I have helped more guys than gals. Let us all face the facts, a lot of techs, tyre fitters bang the studs up that hard that many people would struggle, even more so with a flimsy wheel brace.

  3. David, have a look at my website The kit I would suggest sells at £565+vat and includes a few important non Delta items as well in that price. No need to go 240v that is antiquated technology, everything is cordless rechargeable nowadays.


  4. I sell windscreen repair tools to the motor trade, along with doing PDR, it seems plenty of my customers are staying positive if not busy. Sales of screen repair tools has been extremely busy as garages offer more services to existing customers, Volvo being an obvious one.

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  5. Bend the cable before checking it, make it the same shape as it is when fitted, then you will feel the resistance, a lot of guys do not know this very simple tip. Pulling it when straight will often not offer much resistance and fool people into thinking it is fine.


  6. I am not dealing nowadays and only want a couple of days of dent work a week, but there appears to be a bit of a slow down in calls from dealers but increased from private. My other business Delta Kits ( windscreen repair equipment supplies) seems to be fairing up well with guys in the trade wanting to upsell the service, although sales into Europe have stalled