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Everything posted by 2435mick

  1. Sadly this issue is the same throughout the UK re buying reasonably priced cars to sell for a reasonable profit, with regards auctions the thing that hits the 'little man (or woman)' at auctions is the Buyers Premium which effectively means 'the price you see is NOT the price you pay', once upon a time the auction houses only took payment from the seller, now they get it at both ends so unfortunately the only way forwards is to buy with diligance and sell with confidence.
  2. I have some fancy plate holders, they have a sucker device operated with a lever, the plate is mounted within the housing, there is also a security strap which can be placed through the bonnet/boot shut just in case, not cheap to buy at nearly £80 for a pair but so easy to use, its suprising how many traders have seen me use them and commented how good they are.....till I tell them the price
  3. Seemingly the government is urging us to turn back the clocks tonight, surely this will show up on the MOT website as fraudulent
  4. thanks guys (and galls) for the help in naming some of the companies
  5. Trade plates are a valuable business asset however they wont help Lemoj as he can only park on the road, trade plates cannot be used for this pupose so he is left with the options given, pay for road fund by DD and then cancel upon sale completion or find some storage land
  6. Anyone, or does no one bother
  7. Being a fledgling busines that is increasing its sales ( I have been learning to crawl before I walk) I am now looking to offer customers some sort of extended warranty, I am aware of the RAC who offer a product/service such as 218 point checks/3 months etc but what other companies are out there that offer value for money, any recommendations, my main reason is to offer customers more piece of mind in their purchases.
  8. OK, what happened to Sir Clive Sinclair???, he was there three decades ago
  9. But surely I can weigh my car in at a main dealer and get my £2k and spend it somewhere else
  10. Sadly, some people are allowed to drive now...about that gap insurance....can i have the scrappage scheme deal as well...........
  11. ok....got the message seriously, only wanted something that would give quick access to average retail pricing, I always have a good idea on my value, its just handy to point punters in the direction of something for them to look at so they can see what a bargain they are buying (marketing gimmic)
  12. Hopefully this is a simple one, when it comes to searching for realistic values of vehicles which are the easiest and most productive of the apps available, I have had a look at a few but they dont seem that good
  13. Hi all, Ive been thinking about creating a website for my small dealership (three to four car stock but changes almost daily) just trying to gauge if its worth throwing a hundred or two at a website or not....any advice would be appreciated