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Showing content with the highest reputation on 06/16/20 in Posts

  1. 2 points
    We're in what is known as an irrational market. Buyers with government money burning a hole in their pocket, limited supply of vehicles and online auctions. This will lead to a lot of dealers making bad decisions that come back to bite them. The indications are for a big rise in unemployment and reduced annual mileage (more working at home, cycling etc). That doesn't sound like a market that's going to sustain higher prices. Its going to kick off when the furlough money stops.
  2. 1 point
    Temporary: supply is down (a lot), demand is up (due to built-up demand) --> prices rise Long term: demand will pass thru normal then be down (a bit, or a lot, depending on how the recession pans out); supply will either match demand or go up --> prices fall Its getting to the point, it might actually make financial sense for dealers to put their cars BACK into auction, because they'll make more now at auction, than their current or future retail value. It is indeed irrational at the moment.
  3. 1 point
    only way is to rub them down with 1200 them 2000 then buff with an electric wheel and compound for long term you could then mask up and lacquer the lenses