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Showing content with the highest reputation on 09/27/19 in Posts

  1. 1 point
    In the thread title you mentioned Lovely cars videos. Ironically this is what my website is called.
  2. 1 point
    More people bought from me than from you this month. As long that trend continues in the near future I will take small satisfaction from that. I’ll take it from here.
  3. 1 point
    I sold it 6 or 7 years ago and was pretty mint then. Has come back in with ropey welded patches in the rear sills, a half demolished front bumper and scratches and dings all around. No point in polishing a turd (although ironically I did polish it this morning just to give it a bit of life!).
  4. 1 point
    Completely agree. The type of customer who hasn't got 5 pence to scratch his arse with is the worst customer you could ever wish to meet. Got one coming in later for a £600 Fiesta we took in p/ex, wish me luck!
  5. 1 point
    Honestly I see it like this. We sell nice cars, we try and have many pics video etc online beforehand. Most people who come to us to view a car with the intention of buying it do. We give them no reason not to. Doing delivery is the same. I personally prefer a quick phone call / email exchange, payment and then send the car on to the customer. I can spend time doing other stuff. We very rarely have issues with it. I won't do delivery for certain customers if they sound like it will be a nightmare but most buyers who opt to go for it are confident and decent buyers looking for an easy transaction. A nice hands up sale if you like. Do the job right, look after folk? nothing to fear. Absolutely nothing at all in my opinion. Bollocks the sub prime fuckers are the pickiest most entitled twats who all know their rights are can't wait to pose with a compo face. Don't take responsibility for anything and nothings ever their fault.