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Showing content with the highest reputation on 09/18/18 in Posts

  1. 3 points
    I'm pretty much exactly like yourself, i started about a year ago now, brought a car from auction to sell but it didn't move at all after a good 3 months finally sold with a £200 profit i was really put off. i then started looking at cheaper cars from local sellers buying them doing any work required and selling for a profit of between £600-£1000 per car, I've made mistakes along the way and live and learn from them. still paying for some of the mistakes to this day lol. I did this whilst studying at university with a part time job too. Now that I've graduated and started my training year working 39 hours a week I'm still doing this on the side. i genuinely do love and enjoy selling cars then my main career right now. This forum is actually fantastic can learn a lot from it and your a mechanic so that will 100% work in your favour too. Literally buy anything which is cheap from Facebook gumtree eBay, some advertise as spares but more than likely its really minor stuff, put a new MOT on it if needed a good clean and your good to go. after a bit you'll start to know what to focus on etc. start with sub £1000 then move up. At the end of the day profit margin is the same in most cars so rather have £500 in a car which will bring you £500 profit than £4500 which will also give you a £500 profit, hope that helps in a any way.
  2. 1 point
    its being collected this afternoon and a refunded
  3. 1 point
    Thanks Mark, My thoughts regarding reports are at least if they are wrong, the issue should then be sorted! but from my own experience, most major issues at least should be reported. Hey this silver is mind blowing....in all seriousness out of 9 cars, I've cocked up on two, both from AB because I didn't read the condition report correctly or they didn't report something and I for sure won't be using this buying strategy again. I can still make this Hyundai work for sure but to be honest this is one of those in and out cars, it's not worth my effort, I've learnt that if a mistake is made (even if it's not my actual error) then suck it up take the blow and move on and learn from the experience. I moved to Morecambe 3 months ago so I'm in an area I know nothing about the market, I decided to become a used car trader with NO experience whatsoever, this includes never sold a car, never sourced a trade car, no idea about the whole prep process,no idea about customers rights, no idea about warranties, no contacts in the industry or area and no knowledge about what sells in this are and so far I don't think I've done too bad. I will admit I need to sort my buying out, which I will do by learning from my mistakes and listening to you guys, even if I do get roasted in the meantime
  4. 1 point
    Why, by your own admission/experience, they're crap. It gets better Seriously Benji, you've come a long way in terms of prep and photogrpahy and I applaud you for that but the first, most difficult, most important thing is buying right in the first place. We all catch colds (I've had several) but you must try and limit your exposure and don't bid on older stuff without physically seeing the stuff. Good luck mate, I'm in your corner and follow your threads with optimism.
  5. 1 point
    Without this rust it wouldnt be a problem Mr Paddy I'm just kicking up a fuss because I don't think it's fair they don't report rust to online buyers, if they want to say its age related so they don't have to report it then personally I call bullshit on that. I've lodged a complaint with the branch manager so we shall see! I don't disagree though, obviously being there in person is better however with proper grading/images/descriptions it shouldn't be a problem buying online, if the appraisers were properly trained etc then the reporting would be more accurate! This beauty is in silver, if I can't get anything out of AB I'll just F it off, learn and move on (again)
  6. 1 point
    I am with Mr Horgan on this. Deal directly with two three decent lenders, better for the dealer, for the customer and certainly for the bottom line.
  7. 1 point
    Make sure you get a good deposit is my view . Had a black one for ever at low miles , and great history , A VW nut was the buyer in the end . Nice little car though in my mind , loaded with toys , but thats the problem i think as it makes them look expensive for a toy car with little street cred for the young un's , Round here anyway