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Showing content with the highest reputation on 09/29/17 in Posts

  1. 1 point
    Tell them over the phone. Dear Mr Customer, when you are buying a trade disposal car, you are buying it on the basis that it is unroadworthy and not fit for any purpose other than to broken for parts only. It must be trailored away and not driven on the road. You accept that it comes without any warranty as to its condition. You will not given the current MOT certificate.
  2. 1 point
    If you speak straight to people you don't get comebacks. The punter who wants comeback will be put off the moment you say "it's cash, no receipt, go & don't come back thinking there's a warranty because there isn't". When I say straight talk I mean STRAIGHT TALK. There must be absolutely no fucking about at this end of the market otherwise you will get comebacks. Obviously if you're retailing £30,000 German wet dream machines from a big glass showroom this approach is possibly not good for you. The punter on a 3yr old M5 might be somewhat put off to hear you telling a punter on a £300 Focus that "It comes with a lamppost warranty, now either get your wallet out or go cos I'm not fucking about over a £300 banger. Take it or leave it"