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Showing content with the highest reputation on 09/23/17 in Posts

  1. 2 points
    Like..... I now have the AT top sponsored package, it started on the 7th of this Month (currently 18 in stock) and Ive not sold one through AT !! Not one !!..... All 5 sales have come from eBay..... 3.0 cdi Vito Traveliner 10K..... A4 3.0 TDI S Line Estate 10k...... Touareg 3.0 TDI £5K...... 320d Biz Ed SE Estate 6k.....XC90 2.5T 4K......
  2. 2 points
    I have to say, not aimed at you Jimbo, but I'm bored shitless of AT threads. AT is going to the dogs. Any advertising business that starts chucking away free adverts to bolster it's stock is on it's arse. In answer to your question I'm not sure but can you afford to take the risk of upgrading and it not working? For me the fact they're now scaring already poorly profitable dealers into upgrading which chews away what's left of their profits for little to no additional return is sickening business practice. Not to mention they're not providing their users (buyers) the best possible deal and making that easiest to find should be their priority otherwise they go elsewhere. For me, if it doesn't work and you get better ROI elsewhere cancel it. If you're not getting calls anywhere maybe it's something else. Link us to an advert if you need an opinion?
  3. 1 point
    I pay ebay about £170 a month for upto 25 cars, I pay AT 2k a Month.....Huge difference....Are you VAT registered ?
  4. 1 point
    Classified is the only way you can advertise on ebmp, you pay for a package of cars monthly. Don't waste your time auctioning unless its for disposal purposes only. Classified advert all the way, make sure you write a comprehensive honest description with 20 photos and you won't look back
  5. 1 point
    Customers I speak to have stopped looking on AT thinking prices too high and not realising they looking at sponsored ads, but at least they will have lots of private ads for under a grand....
  6. 1 point
    welcome to the motortrade ! 20 Years in business ..Ups & Downs ! I'm sure everyone will be commenting soon .. !
  7. 1 point
    I've always thought that if everyone stuck to CAP retail rather than focusing on making theirs 'the cheapest on..." then we'd all have a better time of it. It's slightly contradictory that some dealers moan about customers always low balling them but the same people make their business completely cost-centric. I mean, YES
  8. 1 point
    I have a Canon DSLR which cost me £400 but to be honest my Samsung s7 takes decent pictures. It's about planning the pictures rather than just snapping away...position the car against a background or backdrop that makes it look attractive, make sure it is clean (especially glass) and tyres nicely dressed (I go for a Matt look rather than tyre paint!), start at the front then walk around getting all the flattering angles - low down always looks better than up high looking down. Just take your time and realise you want to make the product look as attractive as possible to the buyers. Avoid filters though, I found out to my cost several times that whilst 'pretty', they give buyers the idea that the car is flawless or maybe a different shade of blue than what's in the picture etc...you get the idea. I'm now into the idea of video walk arounds as per several other members, you get the chance to point out everything (flaws included) in a sympathetic way and I can see how it builds trust with buyers. Cheers and good luck.
  9. 1 point
    The problem with doing this is even if you are able to find someone who owns a plot of land who is willing to do it on this basis, then you have absolutely no security for your business. For example Mr land owner says "sure fill it with cars mate and just chuck me £50 a car sold" Now you go out and stick 10/15/20 cars on the pitch, business starts ticking along nicely and then Mr land owner changes his mind and says he wants his land back ! Where does this leave you ? If you are going to do it properly from premises then you really need some security by way of a lease agreement, it is possible to get a flexible lease arrangement with most landlords especially on industrial units if you need flexibility. As said earlier though unless trading from home is causing a nightmare with lack of space / problems with neighbours / wife threatening to leave you etc etc then i would stay as you are and earn as much as possible while you have low overheads. Selling 2 or 3 cars a month from home may well make you as much net profit as doing 10 a month from a pitch.