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Showing content with the highest reputation on 08/17/17 in Posts

  1. 1 point
    Don't do it. They're the biggest highway robbers out there! You may see 'some' increase in replies and a slight up lift in sales during a busy period, but it will only level out over time to show you're only covering their extortionate prices at best. During quiet periods that cost will suck your blood dry. I was with them from 'day one' of AT Digital (it was a pound a car and they begged us to come on board) and have watched them turn into the greedy vampires they are now. If you go to their site and click on 'trade adverts' and then 'private ads' you'll see that the trade is 80 percent of their business, but they couldn't give two hoots about us. The pricing is insane and value for money is appalling. I noticed very little impact when I finally kicked them in to touch. The punters search for cars differently nowadays and most simply do a google search and, as long as you're with a few of the other companies, they will find you. I use some of the £3000 a month I've saved on a full page local press ad once a month. I also advertise with: ebay motors pro (ensure you enable 'best offer option', motors, car gurus and Exchange and Mart. My website is hosted by the brilliant Click Dealer. Times are are hard at the moment and we're in for a tough ride. Autotrader are dinosaurs and you can do without them.
  2. 1 point
    I used to sell 20 cars a month when I was with Autotrader (60 cars advertised) The cost and arrogance of them got too much for me so I cancelled, at the time the rep said no one leaves AT for good (he came in a few months ago..... he had left and was touting for a finance company) I advertise everywhere else e-bay, motors, car gurus, local paper, facebook, and have a good web site provider, since leaving AT I have still sold an average of 20 a month but saved £1000,s on advertising and increased my margins as I am not competing to be on page 1, Facebook really does need working at and takes a long time before results come through, you need to build up your audience and ensure all your past customers are fully engaging with you, time consuming but inexpensive and in my opinion is a no brainer.
  3. 1 point
    Autotrader doing 'deals'... they must be worried about all the dealers leaving them. The only thing I would say is don't fool yourself into thinking it'll transform your business.
  4. 1 point
    Its just such a rip off, £440 just for 6 cars?! I sell cars with no AT what so ever.
  5. 1 point