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Showing content with the highest reputation on 06/24/17 in Posts

  1. 2 points
    Personally I'd get the car back , check out what the issue is and HELP the customer after all does it matter if its 28 days - 32 days , its not a long time since they trusted you? Even if it costs you a CAT Just think of the goodwill and future business ... but that's just how I would deal with it Mr C. I say to all my customers even after the warranty has run out should something go wrong obviously it won't be covered however please let me know and if I can help in any way I'll do it , it doesn't have to be financially, can be advise / recommendation etc and that again builds customers and recommendations.
  2. 2 points
    The customer has come to a dealer in good faith to purchase a vehicle. Regardless of the price or age of that vehicle it is safe to say that it should be fit for purpose. I fully understand that the light may or may not have been on just before the customer purchased the car however the facts are that the car is not operating properly and it should be even though it is now (just) into the 2nd month of ownership. If I were in the same situation then I would pay for the CAT not because I have to, but because I should, to do the best by your customer. If the CAT went after 8 or 12 months then yes I agree there is a responsibility to be taken by the customer but 32days??? Sorry, you may hate me for this but my advice is , pay up and look after your customer! Jim
  3. 1 point
    Sorry but I have to disagree with the last two posts. I believe todays customers are simply price led. Any potential customers coming via recommendation still come quoting allegedly cheaper cars on the internet & seem to forget the reason they came in the first place - i.e. their friend's good car! To some people there's always a better deal out there. I've got cars with FSH, new brakes all around, full MOT but if the price isn't right 90% of punters will sod off & see a heap of shit £200 cheaper. A few amusing examples that spring to mind; 1) Mid December. A guy actually phoned to cancel (makes a pleasant change!). His reasoning was because the car had a full MOT he said he couldn't afford to MOT it next Christmas because it's an expensive time of year. Basically he did NOT want a full MOT!!!!! 2) Last month a man turns up who'd two days previously had bought a freshly MOT'd cheapie which on the way home a brake pipe burst & the local garage had since condemned the car. I'd sold his son a car a year ago, apparently it's been spot-on & he said he should of come to me. After driving my few hundred quid cheapie (with a full genuine MOT) he starts haggling over £100 and then says he's got 2 other heaps to see. Never seen the man again. 3) Another man came to view a Volvo, his friend had bought from me 6 months ago. He attempted to crab the car to death & low balled me to which I just laughed & reminded him that I'm doing the job right. 2 days later, he phoned me (mistakenly) to say "the car you've just sold me hasn't even made it home, I'm with the AA & he's said the head gasket's gone". I roared laughing and responded "No, I sold you nowt, you were whinging over the price & left in a huff. I bet you regret not buying mine now!" More of his huffing & puffing and by now I was howling with laughter. I told him he was greedy and greedy money gets greedy service, good luck with his knackered car but his mate with my car might give him a tow if the AA can't help him. The phone then went down. My attitude is the population of the UK is over 62.5 million (I know that includes kids) so if one man doesn't want the car there are usually plenty more out there who will.
  4. 1 point
    It's because of this that I take a hard line. I use ALL of mine, including p/x shite, for a good few miles & prove it via the photos to potential customers. One thing I've learnt is don't fear the courts unless you are actually going. 99% do not have any intention, or the ability to complete the forms, to instigate proceedings. It's all bluster & bullshit from people running their lives by what they hear from their ignorant mates & read on the internet posted by other whingers. You're absolutely correct about people expecting you to subsidise their lifestyle with their secondhand cars. Times are frigging hard but £1 only buys £1 of goods, no matter how hard times are. Be fair, but be hard & don't be afraid to make it absolutely clear that you don't take shit. I attempted to educate a punter & his Mrs the other week when looking at an 09 Zafira for £2K and complaining about the dimple on one door (it was an absolute disaster to them, Champagne taste, lemonade money) "Sir, the fact you've scrimped & saved £2000 counts for nothing. Whether you piss £2000 up the wall per night in the casino or you've sold one of your kids kidneys for the £2000, £2000 buys you £2000 of goods". I have to say they appeared somewhat surprised. Anyhow they've gone for a coffee to discuss it & said they'd phone me back. It must be a big cup cos it was a fortnight ago & they've still not phoned. I wonder how they keep the cup warm for that long???
  5. 1 point
    Don't answer their text. My guess is you'll hear nothing from them. Text messages are just another way for time wasters & bullshitters to chance their luck dealing in a spineless manner - no different to the 90% of idiots communicating their stupid offers & midnight queries via email. My adverts all clearly state No Text Messages. Any received are simply ignored. Sorry to those of you who actually enter into text discussions with potential customers, but I refuse to in order to protect my sanity. Why on earth anyone chooses to do business by text is beyond me. Business deals are definitely NOT conducted by text message.
  6. 1 point
    I'm on 15-20. To be honest if you want a little spare time I think once you're over 20 you'll struggle but it all depends on HOW you're buying & WHAT you're buying. HOW. Time is all of our biggest enemy. Personally I sacked-off buying from private punters years ago. I know it works for some but I got sick of getting my time wasted by lying bastard private sellers misdescribing cars. WHAT. If you're sourcing stock that just needs a wash, the camera pointing at it & advertising you could probably manage 40. However, a handful of cars that need repairs/MOT/valet/servicing/paint etc. soon slows the job down. I run by appointment only so at least I don't have a full time job sat in a unit/showroom waiting to pounce on customers. One quiet week (and there's plenty of those at the moment!) sat dossing about waiting would send me mental & if the first punter was a tyre kicker I'd probably strangle them!