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Showing content with the highest reputation on 09/02/16 in Posts

  1. 2 points
    pull the connectors off the ecu, check for water or any sign of corrosion, check the fuse box for any sign of corrosion on the fuses, if any sign of water in either replace the engine temp sensor and thermostat as this is what causes the water to travel down the wiring and into the ecu and fuse box. Depending on how long the fault has been present depends if you can get away with not changing the fuse box, only ever had to replace 1 but not very expensive from Peugeot. Tell tale sign that fuse box needs replacing is heavily corroded fuses. This has worked every time for me and my mechanic who put me onto this fix. Bought some bloody cheap 207's due to people not being able to fix this fault most recent was a mint 08 plate 5 door in black with 80k for £300, cost less than £100 to fix.
  2. 1 point
    We had a cheap golf, I stayed until 9pm so they could view it, then they wanted to sleep on it, in the morning they called and had more questions, including what warranty (it had covered 150k) and what warranty on the timing belt ? Oh and still no deposit. Someone else calls 4hours away, we are coming by train and are just going to book train tickets will you hold it until we get there ? yep no problem, we pick them up from the station they buy it and drive it off. then I had the difficult call to make and say it had sold, I guess it was partly my fault for not getting the answers quick enough but in the meantime some else said they were coming, if your interested in a car just put a deposit on it otherwise it can and will sell.
  3. 1 point
    Customer comes to look at car, gives it the full tyre kicking once over and spends about an hour appraising, goes for a test drive, comes back and says "I'll have a think" "got a few more to see" etc. Then in the same afternoon another customer comes to look at the same car, takes 2 mins to appraise and doesn't even want to test drive and says "can I take it today"........2 days later the first customer rings and says "can I come and see the car again".......then you can reply with the sweet feeling of victory (I think sometimes I pause a minute just to get that feeling of satisfaction) "SORRY ITS SOLD"
  4. 1 point
    you buy a car and it doesn't blow up