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Showing content with the highest reputation on 08/22/16 in all areas

  1. 1 point
    Customer comes to look at car, gives it the full tyre kicking once over and spends about an hour appraising, goes for a test drive, comes back and says "I'll have a think" "got a few more to see" etc. Then in the same afternoon another customer comes to look at the same car, takes 2 mins to appraise and doesn't even want to test drive and says "can I take it today"........2 days later the first customer rings and says "can I come and see the car again".......then you can reply with the sweet feeling of victory (I think sometimes I pause a minute just to get that feeling of satisfaction) "SORRY ITS SOLD"
  2. 1 point
    Each to their own, and i get the thing about not having enough time but... If you sell say 200 cars a year x £99 = £19800 Last year i would say i spent no more than £3000 on repairs to customers so this is big money savings we are talking about. Obviously you could have a bad year and pay out much more but really would it ever be more than £19800 ?? I would not touch an insurance warranty with a barge pole - unless the customer really wants one and they are paying for it.
  3. 1 point
    We had a customer call about a 640d with a px, we offered 7k for the px only to be told it was way too low as what car said his car was worth £9600. So we ended the call. We thought it would be nice to see what they valued our 640d at, we had it listed at £21990, what car said the retail price should be £26800. So we called the customer back and told them the good news, we could offer £9600 for the px however we would want £26800 for the 640d, they weren't so keen on this deal either.....