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Showing content with the highest reputation on 07/01/16 in Posts

  1. 5 points
    To be honest I think I'd prefer that to happen than to actually sell two different cars. It is SO SATISFYING. Especially when they ring up and say 'I'm the one who viewed the X earlier/yesterday' and you can just scream down the phone ITS SOOOOOLLLDDDDD
  2. 1 point
    The same with me today Tom.....first customer humming & arghing......trying his best to get everything for nothing....says I will be back in 20 minutes with my "expert". Ten minutes later chap & son pop in buy the car and drive off happy. Second chap comes back totally bemused that I would sell to someone else! Its a ten grand car Sir first past the post wins!
  3. 1 point
    one today but that was from a drive yesterday, there does seem to be more people about this week than the last few weeks thats for sure.
  4. 1 point
    I have been offered a place to start training to become an airline pilot. It's been a dream of mine from a very young age and I couldn't turn away this opportunity. I start on the 12th September so aim to be all finished up by the end of August. I want to take this opportunity to thank everyone on this forum and James who runs it. The advice everyone gives is amazing. Sometimes it feels you are fighting this monster on your own but it is really refreshing to be able to log on here and talk to people in the same situation to celebrate the good times and have a chat in the quiet times. I want to wish everyone the best of luck. We do get put through some crap from customers and suppliers so it can be really tough at times, but we are all good at what we do so it is important to keep on track and keep moving the metal and making customers smile. I will still take part on the forum until I go, but after that, I will be so busy with exam work I just wont have the time. It has been a real pleasure and I have learned so many life lessons in these 5 years, from 5 cars to 30, it has been a journey and one that I will truly miss. All the best, James