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Showing content with the highest reputation on 06/12/16 in all areas

  1. 1 point
    A lot of customers aren't honest. I think a few seem to like playing the 'value my car game'. They don't know what it's worth but once you give a value they tell you they have being offered £x and £y elsewhere. Try telling them its the value of the deal they should be looking at and their heads explode!! The stupid thing is if a customer said they weren't sure from the start you tend to spend more time trying to help them, finding out what they need and guiding them to a car that suits their purpose etc whereas the ones who want to to hold a car for a few days, then turn up and waste time don't tend to get this service. Had one the other day who had travelled 90 mins to look at a car and we were £3500 apart on the p/x price (this was on a £10k car). They left happy saying it had being a pleasant trip out in any case!!!
  2. 1 point
    Local papers!!??......A dying breed!