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Showing content with the highest reputation on 05/06/16 in Posts

  1. 1 point
    Thanks! Chairman of Perrys Ken Savage is on the next show (March 17). He should have some interesting views
  2. 1 point
    I looked at this a few years back, but why would a customer want to go on your app? I don't think there is any point, far better have a news section within a responsive website or a blog We had an online booking website a while back and it asked the user to add to iphone (smartphones) as a app icon, but was just a web page basically Put time and resource elsewhere is my view - each to their own though
  3. 1 point
    Best thing I ever did was having the land line permanently diverted to the mobile just so I can save the numbers.
  4. 1 point
    Had an old chap a few years ago do this to me. He must of test drove about 4 convertibles over a 6 months period, always discussing his BMW p/x etc etc and spending a good couple of hours with him each time, felt like I was married to him at points. Finally we agreed on a deal, think it was a BMW or Merc and he had left his wallet at home, he would phone me with a deposit as soon as he was back. Never heard from him, left messages and not a thing. This was about 10 years ago. The about 2 years ago I get a call on a SLK, customer has a BMW p/x, I notice its the same bloke, but now he just asks question upon question. The next convertible I get in the same happens. In the end I saved his number in my phone as 'Fruity Nutcake' and ingored his calls.
  5. 1 point
    Yeap ! They're all out there ... but you never can judge , over the years the odd few I thought were tyre kickers /waters ended up buying from me , one perticular guy similar to James's story , a regular did virtually the same to me , not always easy as you think ' here we go again ..get the keys , show em the car...' !! If we didn't have these type of people we'd think the job was too easy ... wouldn't we