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  1. 1 point
    Hi guys must i first say who ever took time out on my previous thread and called replied etc and took time out from there busy schedule i appreciate it so much thanks means the world. well cdx16 is round the corner and im so excited what hotel is everyone staying at. Just wondering in the evening we can all meet up over some beers have a chat and moan about life. all comments wil be kindly appreciated kind regards danny
  2. 1 point
    After successfully helping guide a small start up in it's infancy to greater things I now find myself at the point where I'm more than happy to help anyone in the motortrade looking for assistance. This doesn't have to be a start up , maybe a business that feels that it has gone off the tracks a little or someone just looking to get some business ideas bounced about. Now I'm NO self confessed car guru or expert however I have learned many things over the last 30 years in the trade and especially the last 13 + years building my own business and I am happy to share this experience FREE of charge if anyone feels they would benefit from it. Many of you won't know me or my business so I have attached my LinkedIn Profile as a link, https://uk.linkedin.com/in/jimreidvehicle If you feel you can benefit then contact me on jim@jimreidvehiclesales.co.uk I'm eager to get my teeth stuck into something very soon! Jim
  3. 1 point
    Phil, hope this helps:- CCR007 – Key data for credit firms with limited permission 1 Revenue from Credit regulated activities = this is the total commission inc any volume bonus for the period between when you were first registered and the date given for the report (only thing I was not 100% sure was if you removed the amounts that were debited back for what ever reason, I left these in , just to make sure I was not under reporting) 2. Total revenue (including a from activities other than credit related activities) = quite simply your total turnover from your management accounts 3 Number of transactions involving credit-related regulated activities in reporting period = total number of proposals within the reporting period however you have to include those that were declined and or didn't go ahead 4. Number of Complaints = this should be easy to work out and hopefully NIL 5. Credit - related regulated activity which generated the highest turnover in reporting period = use drop down box SECONDARY CREDIT BROKING 6. Total annual income as defined in FEES 4Annex 11BR for the pupose of FCA fees reporting = this would normally be the same as question one however if this is your first report it may well not be a total of 12 months, so this would be for the total of 12months so if its your first report then should be higher value than question 1 This IS MY understanding of the reporting however this is substantiated by two rather lengthy calls with the FCA, who were very helpful. https://www.handbook.fca.org.uk/form/sup/sup16_annex38B_20151231.pdf best of luck, Jim
  4. 1 point
    The point I found most interesting – apart from the percentages and various breakdown stats – is that the story suggested that fundamentally, the internet might not be the holy grail and the answer to everything. That in itself would appear to contradict a lot of current thinking. Be interested in more views on this one!
  5. 1 point
    Hi Guys, I just thought I would introduce myself... I'm 21 years old I currently work full time for Porsche and study at Sheffield uni but I have my own setup on the side: I started trading properly a few months back as a part time hobby with a 53 plate Micra, I now have 4 cars with the retail value totalling to 6k. I read the magazine but just wanted to hear from others on here! Cheers, Mike