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Showing content with the highest reputation on 03/15/16 in Posts

  1. 1 point
    And then when the hammer goes down the doubts set in, why was it so cheap? what did I miss? and 2 days of anguish until it gets delivered. Any wonder why our industry has a high level of strokes, heart attacks and lots of grey hair (if you're lucky enough to still have some).
  2. 1 point
    ...Interesting... I may not be shouting in the dark any more. Judging by the sentiments on here and other fora about our ever-increasing overheads and shady practices of the big boys, It seems that the time is approaching for the pendulum to swing back in our favour. It's not just AT though, is it (although they are MOST DEFINITELY on the list)? There's many a greedy, greedy rascal out there, for whom the day of reckoning should be nigh. Enough is enough. It is no longer sufficient or acceptable for the silent majority to stay silent. We are honest, hard-working people (mostly) who have spent many years and many pounds building our businesses on quality and integrity through the services we provide and we should expect the same in return. Those suppliers that see the Motor Trade as a cash cow to be exploited need to be educated. And stopped. Those 'customers' that see the Motor Trade as unpaid servants who provide unlimited expertise and knowledge to them for little more than a scrap of bread and a sack of abuse also need to be educated. And sent elsewhere. Those media luvvies that think we are all dodgy rogues from a 1980's (not very good) fictional TV series also need to be educated. About the definition of hypocrisy, for a start. It is quite clear that the peasants are revolting. This should be fun. And let's face it; we've not had much of that for a while, have we?