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Showing content with the highest reputation on 02/20/16 in all areas

  1. 1 point
    Sparky ! learning everyday .. Estate agents .. the buyers journey may well start with the local paper - then digital , like some of my customers - spotted a car in the paper - then checked my website - then bought..he says ..:) , ! Is it not strange how all of us get the 'Car Dealer Magazine' on line ..but majority love to actually get the one in the post so that we can read/digest things better .. or is that just my age thing sitting at home flicking pages ? Think in reality we have to be EVERYWHERE .. Online, paper , poster boards, buses, radio , ...but all down to ROI -AND deep pockets
  2. 1 point
    And here was me thinking your middle name was 'digital' Umesh By my estimation, if you looked at the area which my local paper distributed to I would estimate that under 30% use AT, and that's being generous. It's fair to say that it's an area often seen as a short straw by AT reps. Many dealers (both new and used) over here still place a heavy emphasis on local advertising so maybe I've been missing a trick in dismissing it all these years. I don't know about anybody else, but my local estate agents have not given up on the local paper, far from it.