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Showing content with the highest reputation on 02/06/16 in Posts

  1. 1 point
    In the grand scheme of things this isn't a big forum and things run fairly smoothly. I imagine it would be the regular posters using it to start off with which doesn't seem a bad balance at the moment and would made have 10-20 cars on it to start with. Maybe start it with only regular members here first and them open it up to others providing they meet a criteria such as the one Jim proposes.
  2. 1 point
    I would of said it was up to the individual trader to decide who he wants to offer his trade to trade cars to. For example if i have a car that i want £2k for and no body other than a non VAT reg trader wants to buy it then am i going to refuse to sell it to him? The one problem is the easier it is for non VAT reg traders to acquire stock the less likely they are to actually bother registering so in the long run it bites us in the arse as they can retail stuff cheaper. This argument could go on and on for ever but in my personal opinion a buy and sell forum for VAT reg only would be my preferred choice. It just keeps things more professional.
  3. 1 point
    NO WAY STEVE, that was me that phoned you!!!!!! About the chap selling the Golf GTI ? How small is the world???? thats crazy! Lol
  4. 1 point
    I think trust worthy traders regardless of vat status, however I believe people should be vetted, it should be off limits to the casual observer and some form of feedback should be in place. Oddly enough we had a call from a trader today asking for feedback about a trader we had purchased a car from and that they were going to buy from.
  5. 1 point
    James, When I 1st started , I gave every car a full 12 months warranty,sadly got let down by them not paying for genuine claims , I prep my cars to a very high standard so there were not many claims anyway - the final straw was an engine on an MG F ( Yes we know they are an issue !!) , They made so many excuses so I kicked them out , .Long story short ,After some research and asking customers what they valued - A car with 12 Months warranty being £200/300 more- than a car with shorter warranty and less money - MAJORITY Said price , so about 10 years ago I stopped using anyone , gave 3 months/3000 mile warranty and in that time I don't think I've paid £1500- in total ! A massive saving and little issues I just pay and keep customers happy. Dealers say what about when you sell out of area , No problem, If customer has an issue don't make excuses , make it easy for them ( Put yourself in their shoes !) I tell them to use their normal garage or even main dealer , get a quote let me know and I've the settled the customer or paid the dealer direct ! The secret is buy proper cars - sell proper cars and its less hassle and more cost effective , but nature of this job we all get caught out the odd times ! Here's a review from 12 months ago from a distant away who has an issue !