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Showing content with the highest reputation on 11/27/15 in Posts

  1. 2 points
    Rising Costs and Falling Margins.............and the cause of both? Yip you've got it, our Suppliers! or most of them anyway! Prices always go up however the industry and especially the independents can no longer sustain this pain, something has to change, big style!
  2. 1 point
    Recent casualties: Crawley Down Group - 80+ years in operation Swain & Jones Group - 100+ years etc etc "Rising costs and falling margins" Thin end of the wedge?
  3. 1 point
    Always a great shame to see dealers closing down , especially the well established 'old ' names! Two questions - Is that they haven't adapted to changes ? or customer behavior /loyalty changing ? .. because falling margins/overheads affects every business, some massive growth with other dealers/groups ?? which means do they have a different' business' model ?
  4. 1 point
    I always cover the plates. Quick, easy and you dont get pulled. I have had a set of these for the last 2 years and they work great. http://www.prosol.co.uk/tools_and_equipment_r4/trade_plate_holders_t521.php
  5. 1 point
    If customer is driving car off your pitch and you logged it on the MID with your insurer then if they have an accident and they werent insured then 3rd parties could be looking to your insurer for compo,this is why i immediately remove any car sold off the MID straight away if ive logged them on,i know a trader who got caught with this dont know the outcome mind