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Ranty Friday 28 August

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Popped into the pub on the way home the other night with some of the guys from work. Bought a round (Not a rant about the price of beer - gave up on that around 1998). The total was £17.33 and I gave the barmaid £22.55 to get rid of a bit of shrapnel.

You have no idea how much of a problem that caused. You see, the till was on the fritz and didn't tell her how much change to give, so she had to work it out herself. Well that was a whole world of pain I didn't know existed. I got given the £2.55 back to start with "'cos that's too much, luv". After trying to explain that I was helping both her and me as I didn't want to lose my trousers on the way home because of the excess weight and she wouldn't have to use a load of useful change (both reasons were greeted by a look so vacant I could have rented it out), we ended up with the manager, two barstaff members and an interfering twat of a local all deciding that the best thing was to tell me to keep the £2.55 and then have an additional £3.67. I kid you not.

This is worthy of a rant on so many levels I don't actually know where to begin.

How in the name of all things sacred did Great Britain end up here please?

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Happens at supermarket tills as well.... but luckily they tap in what you've given and the little calculator works it all out for the cashier .... but its that 1st puzzled look that makes me smile !! :) as if why are you paying me more than I'm asking !! 


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I'm glad you find it funny, Umesh. In reality, it should worry the hell out of us. This is how low the bar is (see what I did there?) and I don't see it being raised any time soon.

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