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Ranty Friday 24 April

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As i'm sitting with my feet up outside a bar overlooking the Med, the only thing that is really getting on my nippies this week is (surprise, surprise) Auto Trader.

You see, they've only gone and done it again. They've made some pointless changes to a feature (Delta Point price comparisons) that was working OK (ish), called it something different and told us that they are now going to charge extra for it.

But I'm almost at the point where I'm past caring and anyway, having a pop at them is like shooting fish in a barrel. Anyone with access to Dealer Portal can see on the forum how it has gone down with their paying customers (not very well).

They clearly know best, I know nothing and as they have never had the good grace to publicly answer any of the criticisms levelled at them, they can just crack on into oblivion.

Tesco mk2 stylie.


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