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Ranty Friday 10 April

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I actually have a driving licence.

It took me quite a long time and a not inconsiderable amount of money to get it. I've never lost it, abused it or regretted it.

I do wonder how I would get on if I had to get one these days, what with the theory tests etc, but that's not my problem.

Lots of other road users have to have extensive training and gain certain qualifications in order to use our extensive road network and drive or ride certain types of vehicles upon it. Rightly so, as driving can be a dangerous and frightening thing.


Which leads me on to the subject of this week's rant..., not cyclists......




Yep, the walkie, talkie-on-my-mobile, not looking, not listening, oblivious to traffic pedestrians.


When I was a nipper, we had Public Information Films that taught us important lessons about the big wide world. Road Safety was always a biggie. There was Tufty the squirrel (look right, left and right again) then we had Darth Vader doing the Green Cross Code (Because I won't be there when YOU cross the road..).

Not to mention the fella doing the Clunk, Click every trip films...  Like I said, not to mention him.


Anyway, I know a normal High Street that has 6 sets of pedestrian crossings along it, each spaced between 150 and 180 yards apart. And yet, when driving along this road, people are darting out into the road to cross, irrespective of where they are in relation to the crossings. The worst culprits? People with children. This is how they are teaching the next generation about road safety: "You see the crossing just 20 yards away son? Good. Ignore it. If you want to cross the road, don't put yourself out and be safe by walking an extra few paces, just put your head down and run. All those drivers will deffo stop. And if one of 'em should get angry at you for running in front of him, just give him loads of verbal and threaten violence, because he was well-trained enough to see you and not kill you, so he deserves it."

Seriously. This happened.

And don't get me started on women with kids in buggies. Clueless is an understatement. But at least they're bright enough to push the buggy out first, so at least they don't get hit.

So what happened? When did these people abandon common sense and become raving lunatics?


Where do today's youngsters get Road Safety advice? From what I can see, it sure as hell isn't from their parents!

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Good rant sir... My rant is about Rasberry Carts ( electric wheelchairs ) out shopping with the Mrs one of these came flying round a corner in a shopping centre with what I can only describe as the love child of Jabba The Hut and Sir Les Patterson on board must of been doing 20mph, people was running for their lives, it must of been a modified cart with some sort of booster battery on it, a BMW X5 would of had trouble pulling away with the fat b#~#stard in it.

slow down or go on a diet

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