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Autotrader price increase...corporate greed

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the greedy people at autotrader are increasing the price yet again from an already overpriced platform, they have a complete monopoly so they can charge whatever they like, just another example of corporate greed

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2 hours ago, steve1958 said:

the greedy people at autotrader are increasing the price yet again from an already overpriced platform, they have a complete monopoly so they can charge whatever they like, just another example of corporate greed

Rates are not likely to come down. They do £600m t/o and net £350m profit without employing many people. How good is that.The thing is that it doesn’t work as well as the original Autotrader mag which came out on a Thursday was also expensive but had paid for itself by Friday morning ! Your options are,don’t advertise all of your stock,buy £20k worth of AT shares as hedge against future increases,only advertise and show one model of vehicle with a choice of more in stock etc.Anyone else got any better ideas. It could be worse,in the US they might threaten to cancel your account if you advertised on another platform !


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