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Posts posted by Linctrader

  1. 13 hours ago, andymc1973 said:

    its the new influx of eastern europeans that are very hard work

    Agreed, these are the chancers selling cars on the register as clean family vehicles and changing their account names on FB on a weekly basis.

    I, like most of us here, just want to be dealt with fairly. In return, we wont take the p and will supply a good product at a sensible price. 

    My wife has a great way of responding to the messages low balling us...

    Car is up for 5k

    Buyer: £2750?

    Wifey: my best price to you would be £7250

    Buyer: £7250?? But it's up at £5k??? (Having a stroke their end haha)

    Wifey: you think it's ok for me to consider your offer at £2250 less than I have it up at, but you won't consider my counter offer of £7250? Doesn't seem fair does it? The price is 5k, if you want to make a sensible offer feel free to message me back, otherwise happy hunting!

    Needless to say not one of this type of buyer have ever purchased lol but we have a chuckle at their shocked response.

    I think 90% of these type of 'buyers' are plastic traders looking for ready stock. They clearly stumble across enough cars at stupid money by using this tactic or they wouldn't waste time trying.


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  2. Thank you guys for your input.

    Well the story changed a little and what I thought was SOR turns out that they just expects their money back (unknown and they could have overpaid) plus a fixed amount on top per unit. 

    My problem is that I then assume all responsibility for stock I haven't bought (and tbh it's not what I'm really into but why pass on an opportunity to make some dosh) and in a short message the deal I was originally presented with gets reversed in their favour.

    So it's not such a good deal anymore. 

    Why does business have to be so complicated?


  3. Hi folks,

    I'm well used to doing commission selling for private individuals but I have been approached by another small local dealer who has stock to shift but has lost interest due to other business interests.

    They want me to sell the stock they have and tbh I don't think they have lots in them as they are all sub 5k. 

    I normally take a fixed fee depending on the approx sale price of the car but sometimes work to a smaller fee and then a percentage split if I think the car has a chance above a certain value.

    But selling another dealers stock I've not done. I've heard others saying they take stock to make their pitches look busy but I'm not needing that...ive heard others say they sell stock like this for £100 but that won't pay any bills...

    So your thoughts on what I should be asking for in this situation would be appreciated. They will assume all responsibility for the car, but I will be marketing the cars, finding the buyer and making the deal happen plus after sale paperwork etc.


  4. Hi all,

    So my licence allows It, but I'm wondering about the other legalities for running a 7.5t recovery truck for picking up and dropping off my own cars.

    I think as a recovery operator I don't need tacho, don't need operating licence and potentially mot exempt and low road tax.

    However, I cannot pick up and drop off for hire or reward as then I need tacjo and operators licence.

    But is collecting my own cars and dropping them off viewed as hire or reward? 

    I've seen a cheap truck and with weight limits on 3.5t trucks being a very real issue once you add anything on the back I would rather see if I can make this work.


  5. I struggle not to reply because I can't abide the cheek of it and most are 'trader's'...but last time i done as stalker said and told them I would accept their pathetic offer as I needed the space.

    What followed was two days of frantic messaging from them trying to lock me down to a time for collection. I just kept being flippant and busy with every message they sent.

    It was dirt cheap anyway so their offer would have put an easy grand in their pockets for no work.

    After two days the desperate collection messages changed to 'are you a genuine seller or are you just wasting my time???' - I think I got 4 like this before the penny finally dropped with them ha!


  6. 1 hour ago, MSP Motors said:

    How does one define service history? I sold a car years ago that had full skoda service history and was advertised accordingly.  I had a customer turn up and not buy the car because it was just a service book with stamps in. I  called the garage in front of him, but this was not enough for him as he could not see what work had been carried out. In his opinion, my car didn't have a full service history as there were no invoices, Equally, people have claimed that a fully documented car does not have service history because there is no service book.

    If the car has had a service and there is documentation for this, in my opinion, there is a service history. If they were not happy with 1 service then  perhaps they should have                  told you before committing to buy

    I'm on the fence a little, I don't think you intended to mislead and for the buyer not to ask at purchase and intact leave it weeks sounds like someone has got in his ear and told him he has been had over...

    It shouldn't be this hard to make a living! 

    I sold a nice high end mercedes a few years ago in that wonderful auction site fleabay, and it came with a pile of main dealer service history receipts. Buyer paid deposit, then arrived a couple of days later insisting I had duped him - no service book. I never advertised a book, but he said I coukd have just printed the docs up myself! I said we could phone the dealers and he said it could simply be a mate I'm calling. 

    Asked for his deposit back. Told him to f-off.

    And away he went. Mental. I'd rather have receipts than a book any bugger could stamp up!

  7. 'Her indoors' will have chipped it whilst out to lunch showing her gin drinking pals her new 4x4, and after giving her grief upon her return home, he will then have apologised, hugging her and telling her not to be upset, he would just take it back to the dealer and blame him for not pointing it out when he took delivery ('the scoundrel') insisting highly upon a repair...

    In fact, the more he thinks about his great idea, he might just push for a screen replacement instead!

    What a clever chap he is and his wife gets to rest easy knowing he's focusing his full attention on the poor bugger who sold it to him and she can calm her nerves with another bottle of gin.

    Or some other similar bollocks he cooked up.

    I would be polite but tell him to get done your prep before sale and I'm assuming he signed a pdi on handover so you have nothing to resolve here.

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  8. It must be their latest colour to push as they seem to be using it for much of the new areaton...phaeton...passat cc (whatever it's now called) advertising.

    I remember it costing £800 extra in 1998 for us to paint your brand new Daewoo matiz the same shade of puke!

  9. 16 minutes ago, sparky said:

    Yep, if your playing by the rules and now little about the industry I just don't see the attraction. I'm in the process of clearing my back yard (oh matron) which could house an extra 30 odd cars. Of the options I've got, filling it with cars (or at least trying to) is at the bottom of the list.

    Caravan storage? Money for nothing at this time of the year...

  10. 1 hour ago, met said:

    He must get around, there's a few from Enfield branch on there.

    I always thought it inappropriate to take photos of stock while the cars are still on the auction site with the screen 'top', but there you go

    I used to think he took pictures before stuff went through the sale (Like a few days before), fired it up on ebay for a few days and then completed on those cars that showed the most promise online (by way of good bidding).

    To have 100 cars at a time which he sometimes has up would mean someone has some serious bank rolling or they have worked out a system that allows for them to 'pre-sell' and only buy what they know is pretty much sold already.

    Or I'm wide of the mark and just dreaming such a system was possible!

  11. Great conversion, I've had a couple of T5 Kombis of my own in the last few years as family wagons.

    Can't grasp the fascination of these (not knocking what you have done bud because I admire your work and skills) but they go for mega money - A dealer local to me is asking £30k for one similar to yours!

    What are the rough numbers for yours if you don't mind sharing?

    Congrats on finding a niche for yourself that makes you happy and pays you a wage.

  12. I remember rude mercs - those cars were over the top in a good way! The same people went on to selling nissan Figaros and called themselves 'figarude'

    Currently I do 'oddballs' - big v6/v8 heavy stuff that I like myself and get pleasure out of having around me. I would like to continue having things like this but would be keen to have also focus on one particular model that could start to actually bring some money back in the business! 

    I would keep a couple of the oddballs to sell alongside 6+ of the models I would specialise in. But I agree I would need to be careful and part of that could be resolved by moving the one car they enquired about (I'm by appointment) in front of my office and away from the unit I store my stock in. Then the focus is all on that one car they enquired about.

    Such a minefield though...

  13. I have a Canon DSLR which cost me £400 but to be honest my Samsung s7 takes decent pictures.

    It's about planning the pictures rather than just snapping away...position the car against a background or backdrop that makes it look attractive, make sure it is clean (especially glass) and tyres nicely dressed (I go for a Matt look rather than tyre paint!), start at the front then walk around getting all the flattering angles - low down always looks better than up high looking down.

    Just take your time and realise you want to make the product look as attractive as possible to the buyers. Avoid filters though, I found out to my cost several times that whilst 'pretty', they give buyers the idea that the car is flawless or maybe a different shade of blue than what's in the picture get the idea.

    I'm now into the idea of video walk arounds as per several other members, you get the chance to point out everything (flaws included) in a sympathetic way and I can see how it builds trust with buyers.

    Cheers and good luck.

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