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Posts posted by Linctrader

  1. 53 minutes ago, Nick M.K. said:

    Ok. There you go. An everyday car that you see on every corner. 

    If you are looking to increase the effect of your Facebook page something like this guessing game works a treat. People tend to share and tag quite a lot. Especially if there is also a giveaway involved. 


    Would have never guessed a passat GT, not from the pics you posted. 

    But good idea re Facebook game to build interest and shares etc. Creates interaction which the Facebook bots like so your posts are more visible. 

  2. Morning Folks,

    I'm after a big van - doesn't need to be white!

    Late as possible (No older than 2010) but would like a cheapie so don't mind big miles (150-200k) as long as history/condition is good.

    Ideally lwb sprinter/movano/transit size.

    Auto a bonus.

    Towbar a bonus.

    Cruise a bonus.

    Happy to collect from anywhere that a train goes to so offer away.

    Thanks --



  3. 12 minutes ago, BHM said:

    Each to their own. Yes they MAY be contravening the CRA and you can’t legally defend that BUT it’s all there in black & white so MORALLY where’s the problem? 

    I’m pig sick of hearing the trade shitting themselves about bending over backwards for greedy chancers. F*** them, any greedy sods who are ripped off by purchasing from shysters get zero sympathy from me.

    Good luck to anyone trying something outside of the box as long as you are being open & honest.

    I have to agree with you bhm, life is hard enough without the constant worry that someone will be back demanding a refund within 30 days. We just lost 2k on a different business platform simply because the buyer changed their mind to suit themselves and the escrow service holding the money sided with them without even waiting for us to respond within the timeframe they gave us. Life is to easy to cheat at for too many people these days - chancers used to be the few, now I would say they are the majority. Always wanting something for nothing, wanting the best for peanuts and making the transaction a pain to be involved with. 

    I get frustrated because I'm too long in the tooth and these constant restrictions imposed on us all but to which only a few of us abide by are unfair.

    This harks of the phrase my parents chanted at me as a child: 'would you put your hand in the fire just because someone else did?' Quite honestly, my answer today would more than likely be yes. If they can do it (and I use 'they' loosely as there are many at this), then why am I killing myself with stress just to earn a crust for my family?

    I can understand more and more why so many in society do not fear authority or the threat of prison, infact they see it as an occupational hazard. 

    P.s...can you tell I've had enough bulls--- lately to last a lifetime lol.

  4. It's fascinating really as we could all adopt this business model and take our chances. If we are being upfront about our terms as they are then who could claim that they have been hood winked? Let's face it, the screamers will yap regardless but overall we would be better off and most probably less stressed!

    I like to see these type of businesses as they are going against the grain to make their business work for them. Afterall, we are in business for our families benefit not everyone elses.

    Sterling cars in reading are another business doing it differently and making it work over the years (albeit with several name changes - cars with no reserve I think was another name) although they must put fortunes through bca to make any margin across what they sell to make it work.

    Plus these be the guys who mostly do pictures of 'their stock' in the line ups outside the sale lol...

  5. 1 hour ago, twerp said:

    This set up: 

    They buy cars :

    They then sell cars with the false premise of a trade auction so no warranty :


    'Bidding will commence upon the arrival of more than one buyer. If there is only one buyer, the vehicle can be paid for and bought on the spot. 

    All standard auction terms apply. No Warranty, No Guarantees. Sold as seen. EACH PURCHASE IS SUBJECT TO A £39 BUYERS PREMIUM'


    whatever they are doing they have been able to continually trade since somebody is turning a blind eye to the overall set up.

  6. 2 hours ago, Screenman said:

    Were they cosmetics that should have been put right before you showed the car? 

    Not on this one, no. 

    56 minutes ago, Arfur Dealy said:

    I completely sympathise. You either stay professional or tell him to leave. Me, I would of told him in no uncertain terms to be friendly or leave and that would have been within the first few minutes. I have no patience for idiots. 

    This is one of the many reasons why I only appoint customers who have paid £100 upfront deposit. When they refuse, they tell you why, I’m waiting for the money, I haven’t sold my car yet, I’m just looking, I have 22 others I need to view first, I’m recovering from a lobotomy blah blah  ...

    Simon, you are correct on this one.

    I'm struggling with the deposit up front if I'm honest, esp on this one which has languished. I should have more conviction though and stick with it.

    I smelt a buyer and folded lol. Lesson learnt...again.

  7. 22 minutes ago, trade vet said:

    Who spends 2 hours with a punter ?

    It was a specialist car to be fair and it's been sitting a while with little other interest. And like I said, the buyer actually wanted the car and pursued me to meet today which is always a good sign.

    I don't rush or pressure people but today I felt I was on the defensive from the outset which is not like me.

    The 'car guy' was an arse but I guess I was one myself for entertaining his crap for as long as I did. I was trying to focus on the buyer which a struggle.

    The problem is this buyer trusted the friend implicitly, clearly more than his own good judgement. 

    Other than chasing them both away and potentially losing a genuine buyer, what else should I have done?

  8. Well guys,

    It started off good. The sun was shining and the car was looking well. I was waiting for a pre booked appointment to turn up and buyer had been on to me a couple if times leading up to today so I knew he was keen. 

    Then he arrived...with his friend. Who knew cars.

    Said friend barely said hello before pouncing (literally) on the car to point out cosmetic defects. He was extremely enthusiastic, like he wanted to put my buyer off. He pointed out everything...

    After nearly an hour of us talking and several discussions about how the car wasn't a dose as was been implied, I suggested a test drive. And myself and the buyer enjoyed 15 mins showing just how good the car actually is.

    On our return I left them for a bit and 15 mins later I went out to see if we could put the deal together. And we did, one that both sides seem happy with.

    We had almost shaken hands on it when (you know what's coming now don't you), the friend suggested maybe be best to look at other cars before deciding and that he couldn't live with himself if he watched his buyer friend complete the deal and the car turn out to be a lemon. 

    2 hours and no deal.

    Why? All he could fault was some minor cosmetics, mechanically (and overall the car is sound) and I struck a deal that allowed some of the issues to be rectified to his satisfaction...even though I know they will never be touched.

    I appreciate bringing a friend who can check things out mechanically, but the buyer has eyes and anything that would actually upset him he would have pointed out himself without the need for an expert.

    I'm annoyed and left wondering other than telling them maybe the car wasn't the one for him, how else do we deal with these people who end up costing us a deal as they put doubt in the buyers mind and let's face it, they know and trust these people more than us.

    Discuss...swearing welcome.


  9. Hello buddy,

    Firstly, I'm glad to hear your wife was unharmed. But im sure she has been very shook up by it all, so plenty of love & reassurance from family and friends is a good way forward. Also don't discount any councilling suggested by the police, it can make a massive difference to speak to a stranger and let ut all out.

    2ndly - in terms of an appeal - have you tried Facebook/Twitter? Pictures of the car itself and details of the incident. I'm seen lots of these be very successful, particularly if you combine that with a reward.

    The sad thing is that it's probably already in a container or been stripped. But don't give up hope yet.

    Cars will be replaced, your wife is the important issue here. Let your insurers do what they are paid to do and worry about the cost further down the line.

    All the best to you both.

  10. 15 hours ago, EPV said:

    You just have to get it on right. A sponge applicator and a thin layer does the job. 

    I couldn't think of the correct term yesterday and it has bugged me all - the tyre slings the residue off. 

    I've used all kinds of applicators and amounts and regardless it ends up on the rear bumper and front arch/door bottoms after a few drives. Always looks amazing before the car moves off though and the tyre stays treated all week unlike many others.

  11. 22 minutes ago, EPV said:

    Megs Endurance is the best stuff for tyres bar none in my eyes. Stays on for a week. 

    i used to love this but found it creates a lot of mess when starts to flick off whilst driving. but no doubt it lasts and creates a good looking finish

  12. The poor lady was just getting out of the way of the camera...

    Then back up again...then down again...then back up again...

    One would think selling the car would be the only happy ending he was wanting lol!!!


  13. By chance I stumbled across a trade Autoglym product called silicone free sheen.

    I dont think its a current AG product but here is a link on ebay:

    I bought a job lot of AG trade stuff a year ago and never realised I had this until Friday lol.

    Goes on with a spray gun and then simply wipe. Leaves a nice matt finish without a high shine, or the cheapo glossy look.

    Smells good too - it reminded me of the AG rubber cleaner I bought from Halfords 20 years ago!

    Very impressed and was able to use inside and out and even gave the tyres a once over with it. Not super durable on tyres, but looks good if you dont have time and need to make a good first impression.

    Good luck with your choices.





  14. 9 minutes ago, Earunder said:

    I'm not sure what garage will complete a PDi for you.  That means their putting their name to your car which can cause a legal nightmare.

    If you're not sure what to put on a PDi it's pretty simple.  Stuff you know.

    I've mentioned in another thread what you should be able to do.  Have a quick search

    Thanks - i could fill it out, I guess it's mostly down to having an independent garage completing it should add confidence for buyers and if issues crop up later any judge should see it isn't just something I've filled out to make the car sound better than it is.

    The guy I use for work is decent I just don't want to take the piss by asking him to complete this and then insulting him with my offer of payment (or getting overcharged on the other side).

    I will look for your thread though to learn more. Cheers

  15. What brand is the back box?

    If it's something of a quality brand like remus mention it as a 'quality upgrade' by the previous owner. Make no mention of remap and then you are covering yourself if performance is noticed and can be attributed to exhaust 'upgrade'.

    If you don't mention the exhaust it could end up costing you the sale when a punter notices it as he is having a walk around and by you not mentioning it they could perhaps raise more questions you don't want to have to find an answer for!

    If it's just cheap crap get yourself on eBay to find the original one being sold by the previous owner of the A3! The car is to expensive to undersell imho.