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Posts posted by whitestone679231

  1. Only ever been stopped once and that was for both showing no insurance and no keeper, I explained to copper who I was and that car had not been put on MID yet and he was fine about it. I think they would have to have been rubbed up wrong way to start nit picking but if cars showing as taxed then no problem.

  2.  You listened to the dictators when you first priced it and rounded it up to 8000 because that is what the college graduates at AT say will sell cars, Then using genuine trade experience you probably amended your price so that it ended in 995 and sold the car....

  3. Rose Motors, out of interest how much did carfinance 247 want on a sale? I have sold a few via them and paid £150+vat but others I speak to are paying different amounts.

    betginge if you intend dealing with subprime be prepared for a long drawn out paperchase, I have dealt with most of them and the deal aint done till you are paid, usually after a couple of weeks lots of faxes, then lots more faxes cus the ones they asked for just had a dot in the wrong place, then more faxes cus you haven't signed something even though they initially told you that you don't need to sign,,, but on the whole it is worth it for an extra sale.

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  4. Not done any local rag for years but put a quarter page in on Friday for the reasonable price of £100, had 2 calls and sold 1 so good return, main thing it reminds people we are still here, not everyone searches the internet and the one I sold was a Honda Jazz so speaks for itself. But that ad is now chip paper ;-(

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  5. I stopped advertising with AT on an expensive contract over a year ago and just started to put a few on as pay as you go, then a few months ago they said that what we were getting for free i.e. mobile priority listing on paygo they were going to start charging for (an extra 15%) Now I also find that even though I am paying for the ultimate all singing all dancing top  paygo package my cars are not seen by most people as there is nowhere to say that we take px, no one told us this was happening it just happened, I wonder if I can have a refund because my cars are not seen by everyone and no one told me...

  6. Well said Umesh, anyone can be a busy fool. We are having a quiet month but at least we don't have the £5000 AT bill to pay, or is it because we don't have the £5000 AT bill to pay that we are quiet?? crystal balls anyone!!!

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  7. I am on Motors and "return on investment" (think that term was an autotrader invention) is far better than autotrader, but you also need to be on the other platforms ie e-bay AA cars exchange n mart etc to sell the same number of cars as you perhaps were on AT,  also get your website up on google rankings. I have just paid for my first ever add on facebook and hope over the coming weeks to try to understand how facebook (or facef##k as a friend of mine called it) actually works for adverisers. Never heard of the extra £30 a week maybe its included in my package!!!

  8. Well done James. We cancelled our contract with AT a long time ago and now just put the odd stuff on as pay as you go as well as advertising all stock on the more sensibly priced sites and doing pay per click on google. It is probably the wrong time of year to try to monitor it and in the real world can only be judged year on year but am sure your money will be better spent elsewhere, no doubt the week before you are set to leave they will ring you and offer to uncap you for 3 months or something. As an example of how out of touch Autotrader are I had them ring me last week asking why i wasn't on contract and if they could discuss it with me,, I told the guy on the phone that at least with Pay as you go I could stop advertising over the quiet xmas period without having to give notice.... he actually said that he didnt know what I meant by quiet xmas period,, he said xmas was the busiest time and best time to be on autotrader because that was when they got most "hits"... This made me realise that Autotrader staff have never been in the car job if they thought that a hit was a sale!!!!!!!

  9. We are on e-bay, motors.co.uk, AA cars, RAC cars, exchange and mart, and we pay for google ad words which seems to drive a lot of traffic direct to our website, we also operate from a main road showroom and have been here since 1981 so a lot of passing and repeat business. The annoying thing is trying to monitor response because people are blinkered into saying Autotrader when you ask where they have seen the car advertised, even though the car has never been advertised on autotrader, they then say that they spend all night doing a google search so unsure which site they came from. But all the other sites are no brainers compared to autotrader, combined they give us same response for a fraction of the cost, and are far nicer people to deal with. 

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  10. I used to dread the visit from the Autotrader rep because it always used to cost more money, either with a huge price increase or some super new product that we would be stupid not to have.... I now sleep soundly and dont worry about the arrogance of AT because after I was called a "dinosaur" by the rep we cancelled and saved £36000 a year. We had our best month ever in May and are getting better margins because we dont need to be on page 1,,,  We still put a few cars on AT as pay as you go but the return per spend is not worth the investment so this will be used less and less, I hope they realise before it is too late that they cannot keep milking the trade, what was once a great product is now loathed by everyone I speak to. 

  11. yes fortunately the balance was not huge and I charged the customer a credit card fee but the implications if it was a very large balance could be crippling, having googled it there are some business,s that this has happened to that are owed hundreds of thousands of pounds.... no wonder very few people accept AMEX

  12. This is a new one to me, sold a car 9/7/15 and customer paid on American Express using chip and pin, on 23/07 I received a letter off American Express from the "customer review team"  saying that they needed to see a copy of the terminal receipt and customer invoice and in full compliance to the terms and conditions they would withhold payment until they receive these and the review is completed, I e-mailed and faxed both of these and then telephoned them to ask if there was a problem, the chap I spoke to "Peter" with an Indian accent said that they sometimes choose transactions at random and "review" them and that it could take up to 10 working days!!!! I then telephoned my customer just for chance she had raised a query with American Express but she said she hadnt and that they had debited her account of the money. The money is still not in my bank I spoke to worldpay my merchant provider who were very helpful but said basically that AMEX are a law unto themselves and do as they please, at that I told them to remove American Express as a card that I accept. I telephoned "PETER" at AMEX this morning to see when I would be paid as it is 25 days since the sale not the 10 working days but he was totally unhelpful, Has anyone had an experience like this??

  13. Mrs Mini you are probably lucky not to have met a rep from Autotrader or you would have spent more than £26k. All finance  warranty and advertising reps that we see are generally great people and always a great source of information except for AT ones who just have an arrogant attitude and are only nice if they are upselling you something, I thought it was just me being a little prejudiced when I told the last one to never darken my door again until I spoke to other dealers, two of the most laid back dealers I know both said they had physically ejected him from there pitches. Remember...... THEY NEED US MORE THAN WE NEED THEM !!!!!