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Posts posted by CRW

  1. Oh I wish. Today has been ok, could almost convince myself.  However, an 830 mile round trip planned for tomorrow to pick up 2 cars and I probably will think stacking shelves would be a much better option. That's the joy of living down here, everywhere is a long way from Cornwall!


  2. Its having quite an effect down here aswell really. 2/3rds of my stock used to be diesel, but only have 3 diesels here on the pitch now, a Nissan Note I sold and took back in p/ex, a Polo I sold in January and bought back yesterday because the customer died and a CR-V which I still find good demand for. Problem is I really dislike all the small turbo petrols, 1.0 ecoboosts, 1.2 TSi etc, so tend to push customers towards the older tech in the 1.6 Zetecs or the 1.4 non turbo VW engines.  I just try to avoid come-backs by not selling the highly strung new engines but eventually I am going to be forced to!

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  3. Hello.  I have been reading the forum posts for a few months now and thought I'd better register and introduce myself.  I run a small site down here in sunny Cornwall and have been trading for the last 13 years.  I set up at 22 years old with virtually no experience, learned the hard way, made some belting errors along the way and haven't made my millions yet, nor do I expect to!  I carry around 20 vehicles in the £4-£8k bracket and make a reasonable living from it.  I don't employ any staff, but share a site with a decent garage and have a great indy mechanic just down the road so have a nice little set-up really. Anyway, that's enough boring stuff about me, just thought I would check-in, say hello and hopefully contribute something useful to somebody else in the future!