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Everything posted by Motoringcouk

  1. I think sometimes unsung heroes and not the usual suspects of being so called influential can go unnoticed ! If you take a group like HR Owen who were in quite a bit of trouble some years ago then someone like Joe Doyle had to take major credit for their turnaround. HR Owen are a luxury/super car group who had relied on old fashioned methods and historical customers to sell cars. when the financial world fell of a cliff things changed for them dramatically. Joe Doyle came in with a vision and strategy and turned an old fuddy dude group into a profitable and healthy brand through employing forward thinking people and integrating a new digital infrastructure and strategy. To do what they have done in such a short time and recently being acquired is incredible in such short years.
  2. Ref Manufacturers and being influential within your own business and demonstrating positive results in a very tough few years with year on uplift in registrations...Tony Whitehorn of Hyundai who has been there since 2005 has instilled consistency within his team and strategy both offline and online, and Dealers value him and respect him. That for me is incredibly influential and proves that senior management retention and delivering a clear and defined strategy over tough times works.