Ray Fenwick

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About Ray Fenwick

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    Newcastle Upon Tyne
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    Motor Trade Insurance Broker

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  1. Hi Umesh It would be interesting to find out where they are sourcing the vehicles from. From an insurance point of view, generally once the claim had been finalised the insurer would simply pay their customer the agreed amount and then leave them to it.
  2. Disgusting! With regards to the insurance you are spot on. The dealership will more than likely struggle to obtain competative quotes for a while with a large claim like that on their records, they will also bet hit with premium increases. Lets hope the criminals don't get off lightly.
  3. Hi Phil I am a motor trade insurance broker but I have never dealt with Amlin. If your current broker is advising that they are less keen to pay out I would stay clear. I can only presume he is telling you this from past experience. Did you end up staying with Aviva or did you go with Amlin? Ray