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Everything posted by EPV

  1. It sounded a lot better on Monday when you was calling them c*nts and arseholes
  2. EPV

    Pug 508 2012

    With all this said, these are reasons why cars may just go through cap avg rather than clean. Which can only be a good thing for us.
  3. Great introduction. Good luck to you. Being part time is great for learning but you could never do this job part time long term. You can’t dip in and out, like you could with other jobs. I was part time for 5 months but luckily my old job was very relaxed and truthfully I was spending too much time learning the ropes and not enough time doing my day job. Auctions happen when they happen, punters want to see a car when they want to see it, rain stops you photographing, mopping, smart repairing. It’s something you have to arrange your life around, at times. Lots of people want their own business, why not, it’s rewarding. And why shouldn’t you have one, no one is stopping you. As a doorstopper you HAVE to understand the importance of digital advertising, marketing, have an eye for detail, stand out, don’t be sloppy with presentation etc. Online buying is going nowhere, it’s a big part of the world and will only get bigger. Good luck mate, trust me if I can do it you can. Learn fast work hard. You’ll be sweet.
  4. EPV

    Pug 508 2012

    I bought online mate so I don’t, no.
  5. EPV

    Pug 508 2012

    I’m assuming it’s more to do with the location of the auction itself rather than the auction. Walsall is a miserable place on a good day.
  6. Nice stock, either low mileage or low owners, clean, straight, it just doesn't go well on a platform where the majority of the visitors are price led. "This one is £500 more expensive than the one I saw on Facebook" and you just know the one they saw has had 7 owners, 3 in the past year, 20k more miles and a dent in every panel.
  7. EPV

    Pug 508 2012

    It's Walsall. I could have told you that. Smoke and grey skies. It was actually Preston, I got my wires crossed.
  8. EPV

    Pug 508 2012

    Joking aside, one of the first things I'm going to do when it arrives is take the applicable fuse out and replace it. Might be lucky!
  9. "unfortunately the car has failed it's MOT" Nooo, you don't say! Number plate bulb was it mate? Apparently it's red as well. I don't know which bit he's referring to. Oh and the key is missing. Even the scrappie would suck on a tooth for that. Must have cost him £55 to advertise it. People ARE weird.
  10. EPV

    Pug 508 2012

    Ha ha Because my experience tells me that my life isn't that simple. It's down on the assured report as inoperative, so just throwing it out there to see if anyone had any experience. Back in ya box, please...
  11. Just nicked one from Walsall BCA for about £700 under book but the ICE screen is blank, in the online photos at least. It has Nav but this isn't a Nav problem (yet) as the trip computer, radio, phone et al come through the screen. Had a quick google and nothing seems to be a common fault but anyone on here had any experiences? I assume the dash layout is similar for a few other pugs as well. Cheers in advance.
  12. Well, perhaps not but recognising it works, albeit, at a price.
  13. He’s been hiding for ages, must be doing a few
  14. Probably not even a billy. Probably a tracksuit wearing plastic trader who’ll hope you agree to £2k and then turn up and try and chip you another £500 and then put the car up at £1850 and make a week’s money to him
  15. See what emerges mate but it could well be a trader. Plastic or otherwise.
  16. From what i’ve read on here mate when one trader is dead another is flying. I expect those months will be no different. Clearly less people will be buying from mid December to Mid Jan.
  17. Bollocks ain’t it. Out buying stock and your life is changed forever.
  18. I wasn’t there but an auction buyer i’ve started using said someone lost control of a car and it pinned an unfortunate bystander up against a fence. Broke his leg so they say.
  19. Facebook is going to be my next marketing spend. But I will pay for targeted advert campaigns rather than advertise everything and anything on one of the groups.
  20. Beware indeed. What are you doing to do, wave your pitchforks at the locals? Happy birthday.
  21. Mental. I've nicked three from auction today, one yesterday so it's coming but they will all need a little TLC and as I'm away for an extended weekend, I'm not going to be selling anything until next weekend! That said, I had 4 for sale until mid September when I got up to 8 and then sold 5 in 3 days so it can happen. It's never easy! But we could all be working for the man, and we're not
  22. It’s a car boot sale for cars. A place to sell old knackers for scrap money to dreamers. A shit version of gumtree.
  23. I’ve stumbled across him again at Measham. I’m warming to him. Nope, just said those exact words.
  24. The ply will warp at some point. The boot liner needs to be attached to the ply. The whole thing needs to be “hinged” or at least folding. I love a cheap fix at the best of times but this has all the hallmarks of £75 spend and a day cursing my life.
  25. It’s all attached mate, one and the same. You know when you lift a boot liner up to look in the spare wheel well, most vehicles have a thin piece of carpet covered plastic/ply. One and the same thing. Carpet and sub material together Cheers SC, will do that now.