James Baggott

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Posts posted by James Baggott

  1. This is an open forum and happy for anyone to link to other sites. If it starts debate that's fine. We'd obviously prefer links to Car Dealer but if you've seen something elsewhere then we won't stop you sharing it and debating it here.

    We're not mean.

    Interesting post too Umesh. Think it will cause a problem? Or have dealers got nothing to be scared off?

    • Like 1

  2. Well the thing is 'Chris', as I'm sure you know because I somehow guess you're very closely related to the press office (a little more than a hunch and your tenacity on this subject gives that away), for a press office to operate effectively it needs to return calls and emails.

    When we asked the 'PR' director down for lunch at our offices - three times via email - each and every one of them was flatly ignored.

    When we asked for a comment about how great they thought their own Insignia was for a feature - we wanted 75 words - we were told they were too busy and couldn't get it to us in two weeks. Yes, two weeks. Perhaps they didn't think it was great after all and couldn't bring themself to lie...

    Maybe this press office needs a little help and maybe an agency to help them too? But, judging by the way this has been mis-managed, we think they're beyond that.

    You see if their PR director doesn't return calls or emails it makes the process of asking for comment pretty tricky. We tried to contact them. In fact we've tried many times, but it appears the art of operating a telephone, or that futuristic communication tool, email, has baffled them.

    You're also forgetting 'Chris', or perhaps didn't realise, that the Blackball Media journalists don't just run Car Dealer, they write for other outlets too where car tests are required.

    Surely the best way to solve this would have been to pick up the phone, god forbid, talked to us and sorted out an interview with Duncan.

    But we suspect his ludicrous statement was just that and the fact he hasn't been offered up for interview, and this whole sorry state of affairs has occurred instead, is because Vauxhall know they could never back up such bravado.

    Perhaps they'll man up, or someone may give them some sensible PR advice, and they'll do just that. But with the dinosaurs they've got running the offices there I for one very much doubt it...

  3. As a car buyer the more pictures the better for me. And video. I heard an interesting point the other day - why not focus on the bad points of the car too? Everyone knows what an unmarked alloy wheel looks like but a small bit of kerb damage can be very unique.

    Showing off the minor marks and scrapes clearly shows the customer that you've got nothing to hide and they'll be fully prepared when they visit.

    Just a thought..

  4. Thanks for your thoughts chaps. I know it's a hard one but as we invite a select band to our annual photoshops of 'Automotive Influencers' I often wonder who we really MUST have there.

    We've got an incredible line up in place but wondering if there's anyone I've missed. Finance is an interesting one Jamie - one I'll consider.

  5. Who do you think is the person with the most influence over the UK car industry. I'm not talking politicians, and I'm not talking journalists, I'm after the person you think has the biggest say or can make the most difference to the UK car business.


    Think car manufacturer bosses, dealer principals - what I'm after is a person. The person we think has the most influence.


    Is it Mark Ovenden, boss of Ford in the UK? Or Mike Hawes, the SMMT chief executive? Or is it Trevor Finn, boss of the biggest dealer group in the UK, Pendragon?


    I'd love to hear your thoughts.

  6. Shocking story. I bet the MD of that group doesn't realise either...

    What's interesting is that all of our enquiries were made following the same format and the way they were dealt with so differently was incredible.

    I wonder whether any if it will sink in when we come round to judge next year's Used Car Awards?

  7. That's a good point Jamie. Hadn't thought about it that way. Unless they can get a foothold in other right hand drive markets - Japan, Oz - then it might not be worth their while. It's not like the UK car market is the biggest in Europe. It might be currently the most buoyant but I'm unsure whether that will last.

    Plus Made In China perception problems will be hard to shake. After a big fanfare we haven't heard much from Great Wall have we?