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Showing content with the highest reputation on 12/05/20 in Posts

  1. 2 points
    Two sites we run peter , one for performance stock and one for bread and butter stock . Small runabouts sell on click and collect ish , still want to see and feel the car , so its more like deposit , look , pay and takeaway , not click and collect Sports stuff , its very different for obvious reasons , those customers want to see the car , hear it , sit in it , drive it , just as i would , One set of customers want transport , the other type is interested in cars . simple as . Nov saw good sales on a wishy washy click and collect system , no deliveries though , we haven't time really and most expect free delivery which wont happen here , we stayed open though due to the workshop being allowed to open , so that helped as we were on site as normal . i had two enquiry about delivery 200 miles away free was their request , both sold before the emails were completed regarding them traveling , they never learn sit on their arse expecting it to turn up free and lose out , makes me laugh . If we all start delivering we will regret it next year when its busy and we haven't got time or the costs get to high . want it fetch it or I'll sell it to someone else .
  2. 1 point
    Not bad here actually , considering its slow four so far DEC , two booked in tomorrow and two Monday . It is slow though as we usually do two a day and three on Sat without working Sundays , two tomorrow is because were chasing numbers this month hope it picks up for us all , but its Christmas so don't hold your breathe , be a rush in Jan so don't panic