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Showing content with the highest reputation on 05/24/20 in Posts

  1. 1 point
    well more pertinantly are you brave enough to go? I stopped going 20 years ago when the clientele decided toilets were for perching on rather than sitting on I sent a link of the future to james last night hopefully hes working on it for you guys still in the last century the futures bright but it's not orange
  2. 1 point
    Having read the governments "our plan to rebuild" i see it as 4th july earliest, i think a lot of people are reading into the restrictions and think it applies to them, it does not, lets look at car showrooms, particularly picked out as well as car auctions to be closed to visitors . do you actually run a car showroom ? or do you do car sales [ a none essential business ? ] car showrooms if run properly can easily abide to the rules although, as i have said earlier on in the month if you restrict the amount of customers in, and that customer spends a hour or two with you, how many actual customers can you get in a day, compared to lets say a supermarket? so, bottom line, will you make money? this bit from the governments "plan to rebuild" =● Opening non-essential retail when and where it is safe to do so, and subject to those retailers being able to follow the new COVID-19 Secure guidelines. The intention is for this to happen in phases from 1 June; the Government will issue further guidance shortly on the approach that will be taken to phasing, including which businesses will be covered in each phase and the timeframes involved. All other sectors that are currently closed, including hospitality and personal care, are not able to re-open at this point because the risk of transmission in these environments is higher. The opening of such sectors is likely to take place in phases during step three, as set out below. as you see, the word, phases, can a physical car auction follow the covid 19 guidelines ? no, can a indoor car warehouse, full of cars abide ? mmmm, make your own mind up, can a used car forecourt with doors locked and constantly being cleaned abide ? mmmm from what i understand, and do not quote me on this, they are meeting right now, and letting us know monday [thursday ? ] which can open, and which is to stay close "phasing"
  3. 1 point
    they have £92 million in the bank,what they are doing is protecting their assets by filing for chapter 11 this means their assetts are all secured from a creditor trying to wind them up,its the best thing they cane do in these uncertain times but I note the paperwork they submitted was short on ink and there was definitely a scrape on the bottom of page 3 that wasnt there when they originally got the paperwork
  4. 1 point
    Welcome to the Forum Steve, all the best with your new venture. Ashley