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Showing content with the highest reputation on 09/28/18 in Posts

  1. 1 point
    I took Mel out last night wen't in her Car cos it was nearest the House As I drove out onto the main road I noticed no power, diesel knock and some smoke out the back ............. Fuck !! Turned round in the Filling Station, drove back home 200 yards and parked it up no Fault Lights, would barely rev, Idling sweet. Took her to the shops in the E Class, and upon return I plugged the Snap On in for a quick look see, still wouldn't rev, diesel ping and smoke No Fault Codes ............... Well that's the shit Snap On, I thought, I'll run it on SDS in the morning ...................... Before I went in I opened the bonnet, popped off the Engine Cover and had a good look round, then down the side of the Airbox, down low, there I see a tiny Circlip sitting on the Under Tray, and the Rod between Turbo and Actuator Motor dangling free I slid the Rod back onto the actuator with a very long pair of pointed pliers, fired it up, vroom vroom, fine, until it rattled off again on Idle due to no C Clip Fished out the C Clip with Magnet, to find it fell into 2 bits, broken in half, so this morning I'll rip the Airbox off and refit with a new 5 pence C Clip There we go, simples Shame it wasn't a Billy's Car, i could have milked that job
  2. 1 point
    i personally think they are both no brainers for the price,,, i get results from both and more than pay for themselves,, way i look at it on a dead month worst case scenario sell nothing from them i lose a few quid,,, sell nothing from autoraper and i aint eating for a month...
  3. 1 point
    Judge made a reference to me not test driving but I said I took the consumer for his word . Doesn’t give the excuse to breach legislation. Also it’s the sale of goods act because it’s trade against consumer. Consumers excuse was he couldn’t remember any reference to gear box judge didn’t believe him. Also it’s proof buy probability in civil case not reasonable doubt so easier to get the fair verdict .. worst case scenario I lost £300 and two hours in court. Made him sweat for 3 months no doubt !!! Not been paid yet. Was awarded £1600 but will pay that again to enforce. Wasn’t about the money This guy befriended me then shafted me. I’m only a small garage and quite frankly I’m sick to death of dishonest consumers!!! Start fighting back guys
  4. 1 point
    Good for you! Customers think they are getting one over on the dealer by hiding / lying about / disguising faults. This industry is built on trust between buyer and seller - if the pre-owned car they purchased had a fault, you'd be the first they'd be screming at.
  5. 1 point
    I was in Corfu for two weeks last month, all I did was drink and chat on this site............. No change there then......
  6. 1 point
    Bingo. Everything happens for a reason, maybe missing out on the 500 was a blessing in disguise That's why we should use the private forum more