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Showing content with the highest reputation on 04/30/17 in Posts

  1. 1 point
    I usually find a lot of people keep that in the glovebox of their part exchanges. At least thats what I assume must be in them, given the ludicrous amounts they expect to get
  2. 1 point
    As Matt Says €15000 Legally. .. Had one a few years ago who wanted to pay £16000 cash on a merc , I explained I couldn't take that - only £9000 , he went on say you can take €15000 , so he knew , i told him my business rules £9000 rest has to be debit card / transfer ONLY! Very,very long story .2 hours later and me refusing to sell the car he goes away telling me I must be an idiot not wanting to sell the car ( Should we say traveller type community!) .. rings up next day , saturday to see if I'd changed my mind, told him it's how I do business - He says I'll bring a draft for half ! Said that'e fine but be here well before 11.30.. Why ??? I said I need to verify with the issuing bank ! He says " you really do not want to sell this car do you ? " I yet again explained that's how I do business ! Arrived with the cash and his sons - bizarrely he and his 2 sons all had same name , paid by debit card , the 'young' lad looked about 12 who entered the pin number and signed the invoice ! Asks for the 'complete V5' Told him I can't do that I have to inform DVLA ... said to me " I'm in the trade' ! I said provide me with your full traders policy etc etc , but as far as I was concerned I would inform DVLA . When I bought the car ( Not my usual purchase but the company I bought usual directors car has their managers car for sale so obliged to buy it 3 year old E320 With 130,000m- You would never ever know it had done the miles !- ) And I know what would happen to this car ( Answers on a post code ) ... ..fast forward about 6 years ... A trader calls me from Leicester ( Hope not anyone on here ) .. " I have a car here you supplied can you confirm history / Mileage etc) Give me reg Number , I asked the mileage .. 139,000 miles ! I said where's the history , none with the car , I said that car had the best history in the world , all the invoices etc etc , Told him I had sold it 6 years ago with 130,000 - He said I think you have the wrong car mate ! I said no , I know the car and I knew this would happen one day , asks me who I sold it to , ( Data-protection can't divulge ) so I said tell me who's on the V5 and I'll say yes or no , Last owner I don't know the one previous was the guy I'd sold it to . Trader says I've sold it on retail but customer not picked it up yet ! Told him he got problems he needs to contact the customer , he wasn't too keen - so he says if anyone else rings what would I tell them - I said I have to tell the truth simple as that .. Parting words .. " I'd better take your number plates and stickers off then " ... Sorry I digressed a little !!