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Showing content with the highest reputation on 03/23/17 in Posts

  1. 1 point
    5 last week, not a sausage this week. I have been out buying,stock is best i've had, all beauties, my ad views are up 100% but no ones buying off me!! grrrrrrrr I had a mare yesterday too. 1st customer turns up, proper enthusiast, looking at my 2004 cooper S 'project car' that i've spent £££ on making look like a boy racer mobile - leaves the doors open for 20 mins while we chew the fat.... battery flat.... great, boost him, he takes it 1/2 mile up the road and smells burning. Brings it back with what can only be described as a horses tail hanging out of the exhaust, pretty much on fire... by all accounts its the insides of the brand fricking new exhaust coming out. I like a tw4t try to pull it out and burn my hand on the molten lava stuff thats just come out the exhaust. Doh! 2nd one arrives as this is all happening... me wincing as he shakes my hand and nearly makes me cry.. proper car geek guy. All over the 60 plate cooper S thats been in stock 10 minutes. Videoing it, taking pics, amazing car, love it,...... need to speak to the wife... I've already missed one cos of dithering... We agree a deal on his px... I'll call you Tuesday mate. Argghhhh Pray I sell it to someone else now. 3rd one arrives just as he's leaving, un announced driven an hour to see my oldest car in stock... light at the end of the tunnel. Guess what, flat tyre and another friggin flat battery, after i'd re valeted it this week, I must have left something on. I feel a right chump. Boost it, Test drive and he leaves the mrs chatting to mine. alls good, we get back, chat figures, loves the car, best one he's seen.... off to think about it. ARGHHHHHHH! I couldn't close a door this week. And to top it off, i decided to not have a beer last night, so couldn't even drown my sorrows. Anyway, todays another day.......