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Showing content with the highest reputation on 03/08/17 in Posts

  1. 2 points
    As Metcars says, the selling is the easy bit. It's the buying where you make your money. You are competing with huge numbers of 'traders' all trying to find the same bits for stock. Legitimately or otherwise. The pitfalls are many: Sellers lie Cars can go wrong; anytime, anywhere. Never convenient. Cashflow controls everything Buyers lie Overheads General expenses HMRC FCA 'Experts' Conmen, thieves, tax-dodgers, halfwits and lunatics. And not just the ones you employ. Other than those, if you could get rid of the paperwork and the customers, it'd be a cracking job!
  2. 1 point
    People think that being a car dealer is about selling cars, but for me its more about buying them. That's what makes this job interesting. I enjoy reading the market and researching 'hot' prospects, the cut and thrust of auctions, prepping and repairing. The selling is for me only 10% of the job. This is why I couldn't work for a large dealership, I couldn't just stand in a showroom all day, I may as well just sell carpet or photocopiers? Just my opinion?