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Showing content with the highest reputation on 07/03/16 in Posts

  1. 1 point
    It's the risk your are to have to take, if someone travels 3 hours then chances are they are not out on a jolly. I think I've only had one local that we took out on a test drive that was a time waster. We normally let the drive from the off but we have a GTR at the minute tuned to 700bhp and we are driving for the first 10 minutes until the engine is warm before letting them swap over, you could restrict performance until the car is warmed up - oil not water and then chose a test route where performance can be restricted.
  2. 1 point
    Had some very strange folks out Today. Total nutters.
  3. 1 point
    Be cautious with these so called 'repossessed' vehicles, a lot of them are actually lemons, advertised as repossessed as its more profitable than telling the truth that the gearbox is gone, head gasket blown, engine blown, etc. Been down that route myself, might of been unlucky but for every one decent one you buy you'll buy another 2 duds